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“Mainstream” environmentalists in denial!

Friday, August 01st, 2008 | Author: News Team

Without a doubt the biggest single controllable threat to our environment is that of overpopulation. Indeed England is one of the most crowded places on the face of the earth and getting more crowded by the day. Fuelling overpopulation, as the Government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) will verify, is immigration. If it were not for half a century’s worth of immigration, then our population would be considerably smaller than it is today. Yet as overcrowded as we already are on this tiny island, things are going to get even tighter “ much tighter in fact!

According to the experts, the Government “ with the backing of the Tory opposition - plans to allow around another six million migrants into Britain over the next twenty years “ which is why, of course, Labour needs the three million new homes it is currently attempting to force local authorities to grant planning permission for across the country!

This planned boost to overpopulation, being despite the detrimental affect immigration is already having on housing, employment, education, heath services, social services and law enforcement “ and lets not even start on exasperating the demand for more water provision, energy generation, sewerage treatment and rubbish disposal!

So it comes as something of a surprise to learn that “mainstream”, so-called, “environmentalists” aren’t clamouring for a halt to immigration to safeguard what remains of our countryside and environment! You will see them protesting about the symptoms “ a housing development on green field sites “ but you will never see them protesting about the cause “ far less actually campaigning for an end to this “ the greatest controllable threat imaginable to our environment.

The problem is, you see, that “mainstream” environmentalists are caught on the horns of a dilemma. On the one horn they know immigration is the driving motor behind the overpopulation that is wrecking our countryside and reducing the quality of life for everyone. But on the other horn they are conditioned to believing that opposition to immigration is “racist” and should they oppose it, then they will be “ racists! Far safer then to enter a self imposed state of denial and engage in a limitation exercise campaigning against the symptoms than to be seen as unacceptably politically incorrect by recognising and addressing the real issue!

As an example of what we at Land & People mean, we invite you to visit the web site of the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) and there to do a site search using the key word “immigration”. The CPRE remember, is one of the largest and most influential “mainstream” environmentalist groups in the country “ yet a search of their website produces just 1 (one) find for any article mentioning the word “immigration”! That, we believe, speaks volumes for their credibility as serious environmentalists!

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