Approx Double Page from Hilaire Belloc's 1928 novel Belinda

Passage on Rothschild and Waterloo - My Emphasis


...all was now abandoned as security to men of whose very names the ruined Henry Portly was uncertain, but who acted through Lawyer Fox, of Bath, himself a partner in the money-lending venture, and (so far as the only documents discovered to Sir Henry could show) the sole mortgagee of those vast estates and of that palatial residence, with all that it contained.

A personal allowance, not ungenerous, but galling and precarious, was secretly advanced to Sir Henry Portly, on condition that he should permanently reside upon the premises; for it was the conviction of the lenders that the maintenance of a certain pomp enhanced the value of their security. The wages of a considerable household were provided with equal secrecy by a monthly payment which this agent (or principal), Lawyer Fox, regularly made to the Baronet, after a full inspection of books, every farthing in which was closely examined and controlled. Little did the obsequious servants and tenants of Molcombe Abbey imagine, when the humble attorney paid his punctual monthly visit, that the roles were reversed: that the great gentleman inwardly trembled lest he should hear the fatal decision which might at any moment drive him from his roof, while the rusty [sic] solicitor exulted in an unlimited power over all around.

This lamentable situation had arisen from an action only too common upon the part of our gentry. Sir Henry's father had had the fatal imprudence to speculate on 'Change.

[Note: the Stock Exchange. The loans to the British Government, in this case largely for the Napoleonic Wars, were consolidated in 'Consols' on which annual interest at their face rate was paid out to the holders of the bonds. The price of the bonds varied; new consols would be issued as circumstances demanded, with higher interest needed to attract money when it was lacking, or where confidence in the government was low; old consols changed hands according to their face rate of interest. If in extremis the British government was unable to pay, they would be worthless, or perhaps worth holding in case some payout could be obtained later - RW]

It was at the moment when the fate of Europe hung in the balance, when the Corsican adventurer had broken loose from Elba, and all England was in an agony of expectation to learn the event of the decisive action to be determined on the plains of Flanders.

The rumour spread by Herr Amschel—later and better known as the Baron de Rothschild—that the glory of Britain had set on the field of Waterloo, had led Sir Orlando (for such was his name) to sell three per cents upon account, in the hope of reaping an immense profit when all should be acquainted with the fatal truth. He had not allowed for the business acumen of the great banker. For Amschel-Rothschild had secretly procured the news of victory in advance of all, and had had the admirable foresight to spread accounts of defeat for the better preparation of the market.

[Note: added Dec 2020: There are many questions over war events.
      For one thing, the British Army, Navy, Wellington and so on should have informed the country of victory, but seem to have not been urgent; maybe they stood to gain from it? Did Waterloo establish the pattern for war profiteers and the conduct of Jew-funded wars? The paper assets held by some wealthy people may well have been government stocks, not for example mortgages or company shares, so the government may have wanted their owners to sell them for little; perhaps Jews co-operated with the government of the time? Did Waterloo help establish the pattern for ruining non-Jew landed gentry, expanded before WW1 to include death duties? - RW]

It was upon these accounts that Sir Orlando had speculated in London, confident in the ruin of our cause. But within forty-eight hours it was known that the Iron Duke, despite the blunders of Blücher and the cowardice of the wretched foreigners under his command, had driven in headlong flight the insolent usurper from the field of Waterloo. The three per cents enjoyed an immediate and extraordinary rise in value, and the too sanguine expectant of future fortune was broken.

Sir Orlando was embarrassed beyond repair. Loan succeeded loan. The unfortunate gentleman sank into a premature grave under the burden of his misfortune, and his young heir, Henry, succeeded to the position I have described.

With each succeeding year Sir Henry's difficulty in meeting the interest grew greater, until at last nothing remained between him and foreclosure upon Molcombe Abbey save the delay in finding a sufficient offer of purchase by the mortgage holders. At this stage Sir Henry Portly's situation was—in his own judgment (and perhaps in theirs)—re-established by his approaching engagement to Belinda.

Her father's most hearty consent, her own feelings (which he fondly imagined would favour his suit!), he regarded as earnest of a certain alliance. The prospects of such a marriage he had described to Mr Fox in glowing colours: nor did the lawyer, upon making private inquiry, differ in his judgment upon the case.

After some interval (sufficient to render his young bride sensible of their common interests), Belinda's ample dowry, upon which her father had been both open and generous, would reduce the debt to manageable proportions; her inheritance (on which, moreover, an advance could be negotiated) would more than do the rest: and upon Sir Robert's demise—he was reputed to be of a gouty disposition, and his father had died in middle life—all would once more be stable and at ease in the combined estates of Molcombe Abbey and Marlden Towers.

Such was the line on which Sir Henry Portly's musings ran us he gazed that evening into the fire and erected dreams of an opulent future, when a manservant, clothed in the sumptuous green and mauve of the Portly livery, approached with a salver of massive silver in his hand, bearing a sealed pli, which he presented, with a low bow, to the master of the Abbey. It was Sir Robert's letter.

Sir Henry opened it—devoured its contents, grasped his peril in a flash, and immediately, with a rapidity worthy of a Caesar or a Duke of York, he had come to a decision.

With dreadful menaces against delay, he ordered his fleetest steed, Corsair, to be saddled in burning haste, ...

Notes: | My notes on Hilaire Belloc's book The Jews

[1] When I uploaded this piece (about five years ago) I was not aware that Belloc had difficulties with publication. Here's J.B. Morton in Hilaire Belloc (my emphasis):

One night after the three of us had been to a theatre he came back to our house, and my wife reminded him that he had forgotten to sign the copy Belinda which he had given her. When it was produced he read passages from it, laughing loudly at the farewell of Horatio to the shores of England: "Adieu! Adieu! Tall Cliffs of Albion . . . Fade, fade, O Shores of my Country!" He told us that he could get no publisher to take the book, and had finally published it at his own expense. It took him five yean to write, and it was jotted down on bits of newspaper and on the backs of envelopes. When the proofs were sent, the printers had made all kinds of amusing queries in the margins. "Surely," was one query, "a common sailor would never have said this." Shortly after Belinda had been completed, Belloc and Chesterton and Desmond MacCarthy and I were lunching at the Gourmets. MacCarthy was at that time editing a literary magazine, and every time the talk turned to this magazine, Belloc said: "You must print Belinda." MacCarthy asked what length it was. "That is of no consequence. You must print Belinda." And so it went on, and as far as I recollect, MacCarthy did print it. Anyhow, Belloc was very fond of the book. It is a mistake to think that it is all pastiche. Jostling the most amusing parodies of the idiom of another day are passages of great beauty, and before you have finished laughing, you are deeply moved, and then you are laughing again. The description of Horatio and Belinda falling in love is exquisitely done. So is the yearning of old Sir Robert to go back through the years, when he meets his first love ...

[2] The Life of Hilaire Belloc (1957) by Robert Speaight (published by Farrar, Straus, and Cuddahy) appears to be a Jewish fightback against Roman Catholicism, which, after all, had been beaten. It has a great deal of information on Belloc on the Great Wars. For some reason the copyright is stated to belong to J B Morton.
[3] 'Embarrassed' was a contemporary expression (for example in Punch between the wars) for the state of financial difficulty. 'Temporary embarrassment' was the phrase used when seeking a loan, or postponement of payment.
[4] Maria Edgeworth, best known for her novel The Absentee (1812), had her Belinda published in 1801. Possibly (just a guess) Belloc's eponymous heroine was named for this earlier novel.
[5] Belloc obviously disliked Napoleon. I don't know if he was aware that the Rothschilds funded Napoleon as well as the British. Funding both sides, with due precautions to recover the debts of the loser, ensured deaths of goyim and money for Rothschilds, who, of course, were not expected to risk their lives. I've tried to revisit the Napoleonic era and tried to include the causes and consequences. The same practice applied as far as I know to all 20th century wars: the First World War starting soon after the 'Federal Reserve' gave Jews in the USA the power to fund their own schemes at the expense of future inflation of the dollar. All of this appears to be in full accordance with Jewish 'ethics'. Henry Kissinger is claimed to have written a PhD on the Congress of Vienna, the post-Napoleonic settlement at which Russia was identified as Jews' principal enemy.
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