The Failures of Kevin MacDonald.
Kevin MacDonald revisited in 2020.
Twenty-five years after A People That Shall Dwell Alone.

Ben Garrison instinct SEE short piece on parasitic instinct

invader boat fraud

Conclusion This article shows that Kevin MacDonald's Occidental Observer (‘White Interests, Identity, and Culture’) does not deal with the most serious issues involving Jews. He's had 25 years. Maybe he'll do better.

Evidence follows. The subject is vast, clearly more than I could possibly put here. This article is impressionistic, not exhaustive, and arranged here in twelve loose topics, following my account of MacDonald's story, below. Or go direct from these links:–

[1] Religion   Uncritical acceptance of absurdities introduced by Jews   [2] Law   National laws, international laws, pragmatic ‘laws’, constitutions. No detail in MacDonald   [3] Intelligence   and weak Jewish psychology ideas;   [4] Weak Science and technology, Jewish lies;   [5] Anthropology, 'culture', uncritical acceptance of Jewish absurdities;   [6] Over-simple Genetics missing anything subtle;   [7] Weak and Feeble 'History';   [8] Unanalysed War and Peace;   [9] Ignorance of Talmud, omitting its beliefs, its repetitive strategies, its secrecy, violence, blackmail, murder;   [10] Refusal to understand Money   [11] Omissions, as a Jewish verbal technique;   [12] Weak signposting in MacDonald's books, making them hard to use.

Kevin MacDonald's Story   Books 1994-2003 | CSULB Senate | Occidental Quarterly; | Miles Mathis | Nathan Cofnas

Hopes for the future. Every pioneer fades at some point. This article (it took me a long time to write; there's just so much material!) tries to overview Jewish influence, seeing what's missing, aiming to improve discovery of 'Jewish' tricks. With new information technology, we may be opening the doors to a new era, after a few thousand years of mistakes.


[1] Religion   Uncritical acceptance of absurdities introduced by Jews   including the 'Abrahamic' religions;
[2] Law   National laws, international laws, pragmatic laws. Legal history.
[3] Intelligence   and weak Jewish psychology;   accepting massively publicised rubbish;
[4] Weak Science and technology, including Jewish lies, so that Jewish lies become embedded in 'science';  
[5] Anthropology, 'culture', uncritical acceptance of Jewish myths and absurdities;  
[6] Over-simple material on Genetics.  
[7] Weak and Distorted History;   accepting common errors, often through the use of deliberately unclear Jewish categories;
[8] War and Peace;  
[9] Talmud: Ignoring (i) beliefs; (ii) Jewish repeating strategies; (iii) secrecy, violence, blackmail, murder;
[10] Refusal to even try to understand Money  
[11] Omissions, which have a special place for Jews; with deception and lies.
[12] Weak signposting. It's hard to find things!

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[1] Religion   Uncritical acceptance of absurdities introduced by Jews   including the 'Abrahamic' religions;

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[2] Law   National laws, international laws, pragmatic ‘laws’. Legal history

pragmatic? jews claiming alzheimers [guinness] and walking impairment [harvey weinstein]
laws simply ignored as per MM
ways out eg offshore

1764   Currency Act 'the second ... of two laws passed by the British government ... that attempted to take total control of the monetary systems of all 13 colonies of British America. Passed by Parliament on September 1, 1764, the act extended the restrictions of the Currency Act of 1751 to all 13 of the American British colonies. It eased the earlier Currency Act's prohibition against printing of new paper bills, but it did prevent the colonies from repaying future debts with paper bills.' Future taxes to Britain to be paid in gold or silver.
      This must have led to pressure for war, and may of course have been planned to that end. And it may have been planned to fake a war.

My homo idea: laws against with aim of blackmailing/ death duty as targeted against British aristocrats

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[3] Intelligence   and weak Jewish psychology;   accepting massively publicised rubbish;

1979 holocaust denier
'1979 Holo­caust Denier' from Speak­er's Corner by Philip Wol­muth (2015) shows un­ident­ified man in 1979 with DID SIX MILL­ION REALLY DIE?
HISTORY Popular Simplicities

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[4] Weak science and technology, including Jewish lies, so that Jewish lies become embedded in 'science'

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[5] Anthropology, 'culture', uncritical acceptance of Jewish myths and absurdities

FROM OCC OBSERVER MACDONALD Perhaps the main point in my recent book Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition is that Western peoples are far more prone to valuing their moral reputation, especially in their face-to-face world. Westerners create societies made up of close family, friends and associates, as well as strangers where moral reputation is critical for fitting in. This contrasts with societies in the rest of the world, where moral status is filtered through kinship connections. The Western culture of moral reputation worked well over long stretches of historical time, but in the contemporary West, a hostile elite has achieved control of the media and educational system, and they have managed to corrupt mainstream Christian religious sects. This hostile elite has used its power to create a moral community in which White identity and interests have been demonized. Standing up to that places one outside this moral community and has major psychological effects.


Women are more connected to the social world. They care more about having friends and being respected in the community. Men want to feel connected too, but they are also more willing to take risks. And men’s reproductive prospects are far more linked to being part of a dominant group, so men are far more concerned about politics and the distribution of power. Men tend to suffer more when there is an alien takeover: history is replete with men being slaughtered and women taken as wives and concubines by the winners (as happened with the Indo-European invaders of Europe and elsewhere, Genghis Khan and the Mongols, etc.).

SOCIAL IDENTITY THEORY A few more (Sept 2019)

Yet another Jewish psychological phony: known as Henri Tajfel; his real name is obscure

The following is pieced together from Wikipedia. I've tried to form it into something accurate:
    Born June 22, 1919, Wloclawek, Poland–died May 3, 1982, Oxford. 'Social identity theory originated from British [sic] social psychologists Henri Tajfel and his student John Turner in 1979'. That date, 1979, seems to have been the publication date of 'three cognitive processes' involved in 'social identity theory'. He was roughly 60, and died a few years later. 'He is remembered in Europe for the effort he gave to establishing a European style of social psychology, one that recognized the social, political, and historical context within which social behaviour takes place.' A 'European style' may be taken to be Jewish or crypto-Jewish.
      A typical evasive bio is Born into a Jewish family in Poland [no details] Tajfel was a student at the Sorbonne [aged about 20] in France when Germany invaded Poland in September 1939. A fluent French speaker, he served in the French army, was captured by the invading German forces in 1940, and spent the rest of the conflict as a prisoner of war. His survival depended on his assuming a French identity and concealing his Polish Jewish heritage. All of Tajfel’s immediate family and most of his friends in Poland were killed in the Holocaust. [This is obviously fake of course].
      Tajfel married in 1948 and moved to England in 1951. [No deep comment was given here; real names, for example]. As an undergraduate student at Birkbeck, University of London, he won a scholarship for an essay on prejudice. He led an academically peripatetic life, including Durham, Bristol, Sussex (a new university in the 1960s, which looks in retrospect another Jewish entry point), and Oxford.

John Charles Turner (September 7, 1947 – July 24, 2011) also died youngish; perhaps it was part of his social identity. One might expect him to have been a crypto-Jew from a post-1945 Jewish family.)

By 2000 it's possible Tajfel's main influence was on Kevin MacDonald, whose Separation and its Discontents (1998; paperback 2004 with intro) uses 'Evolutionary' not to explain Jews, but to explain their opponents.

Rae West Sept 2019

j huxley 1935 The fundamental discoveries on which civilization is built are the art of writing, agriculture, the wheel, and building in stone. All these appear to have originated m the near East, among peoples who by no stretch of imagmation could be called Nordic or presumed to have but the faintest admixture of Nordic or even Proto-Nordic genes. The Jewish problem is a particularly illummatmg one. The ancient Jews were formed as the result of crossmg between several groups of markedly distinct type. Later there has always been a certain amount of crossing between the Jews and the non-Jewish inhabitants of the countries where they have dwelt, stnkmg examples bemg the black Jews of Northern Africa and the famous historical case of the Chazars of South Russia. The result is that the Jews of different areas are not genetically eqmvalent, and that m each country the Jewish population overlaps with the non-Jewish in every conceivable character. The word Jew is valid more as a socio-religious or pseudo-national ^ description than as an ethmc term in any genetic sense. Many “Jewish” characteristics are without doubt much more the product of Jewish tradition and upbrmgmg, and especially of reaction agamst external pressure and persecution, than of heredity There is no such thing as blending, causing gene-recombinations to disappear gradually after crossing . in the absence of selection the vanous types of gene-combmation will tend to recur m the same proportion, generation after generation. The Jews can rank neither as nation nor even as ethnic unit, but rather as a socio-religious group carrying large Mediterranean, Armenoid, and many other elements, and vaiying greatly in physical characters. Like many other groups its members are held together partly by external pressure of various kinds, partly by a long historic memory, partly by a sense of common suffermg, partly by a rehgion. These factors, acting through long ages, have produced a common consciousness which is relaxed when the pressures are _______________________________________________________ Other references (some post-date nukelies) include

MORE MACDONALD -- IN GROUP assumes a dominating impulse rather than a person described by many groups and interests - out group and in group a jewish attitude -- EUGENICS not in fact eugenic - large numbers of genetic defects tho prob in more natural state they'd die -- TAJFEL and 'social identity' - note the typically jewish phrase, sounds technical, long words, but subtly wrong like cognitive dissonance, genetic distance, IQ, negative, racialist, gentile society, 'the left', 'self-deception', restricted and elaborated code -- Jewish skill in lies prob practice rather than taught ____________________________ Jewish achievements cp greece, Rome, london, Paris, Berlin; US, Sweden, Denmark ... vs piles of corpses, bones in east european forests, transplanted races, rusting weapons, old bonds and documents, parasitic imitations _____________________________ Prof. MacDonald reports that many American Jews also abandoned Communism as it became increasingly anti-Semitic. __________________________________ Third-World immigration, affirmative action, anti-discrimination laws, and forced integration are clearly not in the interests of whites, yet many whites embrace them, thus demonstrating how completely they have abandoned their racial identity. - But they get paid even if payments are hidden _________________________ most people have a limit to their working capacity, or curiosity, or mental capacity, or equipment. They observably stop at some point. This observation helps explain why some movements - the establishment of Christianity, for example; and the dismantling of Christianity - may take centuries or millennia. I'd suggest KM has reached his limit. (The same seems true of others - Michael a hoffman, david irving, david duke...) stanley hornbeck review of c of c It is because the multiracial testing “participants are more likely to understand that race is not biological, but rather, is a social construct.” There’s never an end to the rationalizations that academic activists can come up with. Another example of questionable inference is that research has shown “that multiracial identity increases an appreciation and empathy for cultural diversity among others.” on Marketing for Social Change. This course is, “Designed for students whose career goals involve working in or with organizations who desire to promote social change, or who are interested in understanding the role and application of marketing beyond commercial gain.” california 'propositions' rejected by Jewish lawyers Lazar Kaganovitch? Of Ilya Ehrenberg? Of Solomon Morel? THEY WERE ALL JEWISH TORTURERS
Account by Moroccan-born novelist Jacob Cohen on sayanim - probably distracting from the truth

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[6] Over-simple material on genetics

jews produce many defectives - is that eugenic?
what about influence of talmud on breeding fanatcis? - afaik mechanisms not known; could be hatred, obsessive id of enemies, love of blood. If KMac doesn't recognise the talmud, how could he allow for centuries of breeding?
consider europe: it has uniquely the med. Plus wide spread of animals: sheep inc wool, beef inc oxen for ploughing, pigs for woodlands, horses. Fish. Olives, dates, wheat, oats, barley. Types of tree - cedar, oak, pine. Metals: lead, tin, copper. Iron. Marble; stone; clay for buidling. what could newton do in anarctica, australia?

DNA and sexual reproduction and me on DNA fracture probs LEARNING and long infancy. In nature fast learning = good. But with human achievements possibility open for fake artefacts possibility of co evolution [flowers and bees, clear fish in stinging anemones, hermit crabs with anemones. contrast with flightless dodos.. or academic liars plus corrupt jews) - jew vicious + stupid violent others co evolved? -- eg islam incorporating learning from christianity savages omitting name of king or snake - as with kike or )oo

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[7] Weak and Distorted history;   accepting common errors, often through the use of deliberately unclear Jewish categories

Note from michael hoffman discriminator between jews and freemasons - how to detect a secret group us civil war jews weak in the past right vs left slavery abolition christianity vs jews rome vs judah

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[8] War and Peace

WAR Very weak treatment by MacDonald.

Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan for The Saker Blog Western media is spreading fake news and fabricating stories with evil intentions. Western Media is biased and creating unrest and chaos in various parts of the world. Media is being used by the Western world to coerce, influence and achieve their ill-political motives. Unfortunately, Western Media is already dominating and controlling public opinion throughout the world. Let me give you a particular example of the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation). BBC reported that the Saddam Hussain regime in Iraq possesses Weapons of Mass Destructions (WMD). America along with its allies attacked Iraq, destructed Iraq, killed millions of people, damaged Infrastructure, Power Houses, Telecommunication, Hospitals, Schools, Churches, Mosques, Roads, Industry, Oil Wells, Refineries, etc. Finally noticed that there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). Later on, the British Prime Minister of that time, acknowledged that the BBC news was not accurate, and information about WMD was not correct. But after damaging a country totally and harming millions of people, pushing Iraq into stone ages, one’s mere apology may not be accepted and may not be forgiven by humanity, irreversible damage to Iraq may never be forgotten by the history. It is worth mentioning, Iraq was a very stable, oil-rich, and total welfare state under President Saddam Hussain. Education, health care was free of cost to its citizens, plenty of food, variety of food was available abundantly. Electricity was available in all parts of the country in abundance sufficiently. Fuel and items of daily use were available everywhere conveniently. The society was very much stable, satisfied and living a comfortable life. All factions of the society were enjoying harmony and was a tolerant society. It might be possible a few exceptionally politicians opposing the ruling party “Bath” or President Saddam Hussain, were victimized. They might be few in numbers or two digits only. But the vast majority of the nation was comfortable with the rulers. But after the US war on Iraq, today, people of Iraq are facing a shortage of food, fuel, electricity, medicines, and items of daily life. No free education and health care are provided by the government. The society is extremely polarized, intolerance and factionist are very much common. Terrorism, lawlessness, and chaos are witnesses everywhere. Is publically apology is sufficient to cool down the suffering of millions of Iraqis? Can anyone ignore the dirty role of the BBC? Is it possible, people of Iraq forget the BBC? Can the victim forgive the BBC? It is only one example only. The same trick was played in the case of Syria. BBC reported that the Syrian Government possesses Chemical Weapons and is using against rebellions. Western Alliance NATO, under the US leadership, attacked Syria, killed millions of innocent people, displace millions of common citizens, damaged the whole country, and pushed the Syrian into stone ages. Forced the Syrian people to take asylum in the Western World where they are humiliated, especial the women and children are being abused. A huge portion is forced to live in temporary camps within the country, where life is very hard and lacks the basic amenities of daily life. Western World has made the life on common Syrian misery and curse only. While Syrians was a very stable country, may not be very rich, but with all basic amenities available conveniently. Nature has blessed the Syrians with best fruits and vegetables, and traditional Syrian food is one of the important attractions in the region. The people of Syria are very pretty and a superior creature. They can compete any beauty villain in the world easily. The law and order situation was very much comfortable and society was stable and living in harmony. The same is the case of Libya, where ill-motivated fake News led to the destruction of a sovereign country. A very stable, oil-rich nation turned into chaos and lawlessness. A nation with all comforts and facilities has been deprived of even basic needs of life. A sate with total welfare for its citizens has been changed into a lack of everything like food, medicines, fuel, electricity, etc.

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[9] Talmud: Ignoring (i) beliefs; (ii) Jewish repeating strategies, so Jewish methods go unnoticed; (iii) secrecy, violence, blackmail, murder

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[10] Refusal to even try to understand money

*A basic problem is economics and objects. Being a rabbi produces nothing; they think of themselves as ideas men, Platonic, developing ideas from inner lucubrations. But pure thought doesn't work; small children wrestle with their lack of power, and jews are like that. We have a group who seriously think NASA and nukes are real; with I hope temporary power. Who knows what disasters beckon? Not the blind leading the blind; mental defectives leading groups too stupid to understand how they're deceived

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[11] Ah, yes. I remember now. The Jewish use of Omission

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[12] It's hard to find things!

A comment in The Occidental Observer online (March 2021) said that Horace Meyer Kallen (sic; Jew born in Poland or Germany) 'the father of cultural pluralism' provided a 'direct link to multiculturalism'. Kallen is listed in Culture of Critique's bibliography, a couple of articles, 1915 and 1924, and has a string of simple page numbers in the index. He's in the body of the text, e.g. Cultural Pluralism... of 1956. But there are no cross-references, for example brief notes on the Jew's activities.


A People That Shall Dwell Alone ... a theory of Judaism (1994) was Kevin MacDonald's first book on Judaism. (I've tried to ensure these dates are correct; I'm not sure about reprints and translations. Publication dates may differ in USA, UK, Canada etc). I reviewed Separation and its Discontents (first published 1998, print-on-demand paperback 2004) here, in 2010. The extended title is 'Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism'.
      For reference, let me briefly list the contents of Separation and its Discontents in the book's own words. Note that MacDonald accepts the whole vocabulary of 'Jews' ('diaspora', 'anti-Semitism' ignoring Semites, 'reactive', 'social identity' meaning their own claims etc):–

Social Identity Theory of Anti-Semitism | Themes of Anti-Semitism | Reactive Anti-Semitism: Late Roman Empire, Medieval Period | National Socialism as an Anti-Jewish Group Evolutionary Strategy | Jewish Strategies for Combating Anti-Semitism | The Intellectual Construction of Judaism | Self-Deception as an Aspect of Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy | Is Diaspora Judaism Ceasing to Be an Evolutionary Strategy? Note on endless statistical trickery | Bibliography, Index

And in the same year I reviewed The Culture of Critique (1998, 2002)—a longer review. Contents include: Radical critiques of 'Gentiles' by 'Jews' | Boas vs Darwin | Jews and the 'Left' | Psychoanalysis | Frankfurt School and Pathologization of Gentile Groups | US Immigration | What Next?   Plus later addenda from 2012 to 2018.
      I now read MacDonald with a growing sense of disappointment, which I want to describe in this article. Kevin MacDonald is widely regarded as one of the most important builders of Jew awareness—though people in the Jewish tradition of secrecy have a less flattering attitude. Surely therefore 2019 is a good time to review Kevin MacDonald's activities.

Kevin MacDonald (b. 1944) joined the Department of Psychology at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) in 1985. He became a full professor in 1995, i.e. tenured, and retired in 2014. He was tenured after his first book, but before the next two, Separation and its Discontents and The Culture of Critique, were published. His evolutionary theory of Judaism was flattering to 'Jews'; his subsequent work is less so, which may or may not have been a calculated strategy.
      MacDonald seems to not like updating his books, but this may be a result of the ISBN system, which insists that each ISBN corresponds to an identical text. In 2019, his new book Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition: Evolutionary Origins, History, and Prospects for the Future (published I think by Summit (US) and Wermod & Wermod (UK)) has appeared, shown in an online video; it was clear that MacDonald had not seen a copy of his own book before, which suggests a lack of interest in the fine points of book production, such as indexes. I haven't yet seen or read this book.

Looking back at my reviews, I understated (following MacDonald) such events as Jewish-influenced wars and war crimes, and 9/11 and the subsequent Jewish 'neo-con' wars, which of course were not conservative at all. Internet had started in a mnemonically-helpful way just before 2000, just right for exposures of the 9/11 frauds and for Jew-related topics of the fairly recent past such as Did Six Million Really Die, and Austin App, Arthur Butz, Fred Leuchter, Ernst Zündel, David Irving, James Bacque, Stalin's Willing Executioners. An important milestone for me was the 2011-2012 forum called by its founder, which had precursor videos for a few years on Youtube, itself inevitably owned by paper-money-funded Jews. At that time Youtube was new and fresh-seeming, hiding its potential for censorship nominally under a moronic Jewess from Poland.
      Internet freedom allowed rediscovery of Jewish frauds back into the remote past, and ever-increasing evidence of ever-wider ranges of Jewish frauds. These included scientific frauds, frauds in wars and politics, financial frauds, religious frauds, and criminal frauds. And frauds at a level involving the entire world. I'll describe some of these, and try to establish whether MacDonald is equipped to help investigate, and cleanse these Augean stables, which are a new discovery to so many people.

In 2003 or thereabouts, MacDonald published Understanding Jewish Influence—A Study in Ethnic Activism, downloadable free in portable document format (pdf). It is a short piece. In it he lists these characteristics of Jewish intellectual movements, in which MacDonald includes political activities which barely count as ‘intellectual’. We may as well start with his list:–

Most of this is coded; novices have a difficult time making sense of it. This is part of the package with Jews; they avoid clarity, and I've intentionally written this section in a confusing way. What Jews actually do is muffled under neutral-sounding phrases. MacDonald is rather superficial, avoiding the real nitty-gritty, perhaps as a result of centuries of reprisals against non-Jews. MacDonald does not mention the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, despite the enormous money control it gave to Jews. MacDonald does not include the idea that 'Jews' regard everyone else as 'goyim', and as enemies, though this is rather important. He does not include their tendency to violence by paid hirelings. He does not include their mass genocides. He does not state that their 'identity' is self-determined; if someone says he's a 'Jew', the official Jewish word is assumed true, irrespective of any facts.
      'Promoting immigration' has often been a Jewish aim, though it has been concealed. And Jews have often worked for population movements, including their own: for example, Jews ran the black slave ships to the USA, and perhaps to Arabia. And the movement of Jews to the USA was planned 'like a military operation'. The rather obvious post-1945 race mixing movements were and are a Jewish policy, though many people have no idea why this should be. Many people still have no idea why the mass media systematically conceal black violence—and conceal white violence in wars.

      'Charismatic' leaders are usually paid and promoted by Jews; very few Jews explicitly advertise themselves. This may change: Einstein is well-known, though his aura is eroding rapidly. Highly visible non-Jews are almost always presented as self-directed, rather than as hired barkers and whores: 'Martin Luther King', 'Nelson Mandela', Margaret Mead, Greta Thunberg recently, armies of demonstrators and journalists and politicians and people-traffickers are examples of the power of Jewish money. MacDonald mostly ignores them, and doesn't discuss many issues which puzzle people: why were the 'founding fathers' of the USA Freemasons? Why did 'US policy' in two world wars have so little to do with the USA? Why are Hispanics counted as 'white' in crime statistics? Why does Trump have opponents who can't explain their objections to him? What do Iraq, Iran, and North Korea have in common? Why do politicians who come from nowhere have carefully-prepared pro-Israel 'diversity' speeches? How come Kerry (real name Cohen) gets a cut from all land deals in Vietnam?
      MacDonald mentions (and these are his own words) ‘four background traits of ethnocentrism, intelligence, psychological intensity, and aggressiveness’. But what have these alleged traits in common with accounts of downtrodden Jews in the 18th century Ottoman Empire, the population explosion of Jews to a claimed 6 million in 19th century Russia, and the Kabbala of Jewish mystics and their...
... superstition, anti-rationalism, magical remedies, amulets, exorcisms, demonic possession (dybbuks), ghosts, devils, and ... genies, and pitched battles between different Jewish sects, often over trivial religious points such as what kind of shoes a person should wear.

      My guess is that Jews are very sensitive to near-paranoiac feedback—they use consumer surveys, think-tanks, opinion samplers, opinion polls, focus groups. Advertisers, news items, college essays, psychology research, are carefully checked to get phrasing, wording and slogans to suit Jews. It is very difficult to avoid Jewish wording and Orwellian constricted language: wars have rivalries fixed by Jews; 'left' and 'right' are contorted into senses Jews like, for example worship of mass killers such as Stalin and Trotsky;'left' and 'right' are contorted into senses Jews like, for example worship of mass killers such as Stalin and Trotsky; 'elites' should be elected, but aren't; 'boomers' did not have a population boom; 'prejudices' may be accurate prejudgments; and of course 'democracy' is something of a joke.

MacDonald does not identify Jews in his bibliographies, which is disappointing, as he lists typically more than a thousand titles, all in English, probably from CSULB's library. Most of the authors are Jews, but they are not identified. However, with practice it's possible to see the processes outlined by MacDonald working. For example, only a few days ago it struck me that the Jew Karl Popper's The Open Society and its Enemies (1945) is in a rather formless 'Critique...' style, vol I on Plato (Greek, bad); vol II on Hegel (German, very bad) and Marx (rich Jew, OK even if Jews like mass murder). Similarly, Wilhelm Reich was a propagandist, Listen Little Man handing out valueless triumphant advice. Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt are easily identifiable as Jews, far more interested in simple Americanised Jews in Russia than American whites.
      Many of my book reviews and the nuclear forum depend on Jewish identification or its absence: Voltaire on Louis XIV, Erich Fromm's Art of Loving with amusing anti-white psychoanalytical stuff, Derren Brown on mental tricks, A J P Taylor on the Second World War, G R Elton on the Reformation, Bertrand Russell's life and works, Race Relations propaganda, Hobsbawm's Age of Extremes, Esther Vilar on Men and Women and women manipulating men, Richard Dawkins. Just a very few examples.

Note that MacDonald's family were Roman Catholic—I'd guess east coast Irish. He seems unable to notice that Roman Catholicism was copied or modified from Jewish writings and attitudes, and presumably spread partly for financial reasons. His comment on 'trivial religious points' seems to show how little he understands cults and their sources of money and power. If there's money in it, they may fight, however silly they may seem to outsiders. I'll say more on this important fact later.

I personally became increasingly impatient with MacDonald's attitudes, which I think, trying to summarise reasonably accurately, result from

[1] Religion   Uncritical acceptance of absurdities introduced by Jews   including the 'Abrahamic' religions; [2] Law   Uncritical acceptance of absurdities introduced by Jews   including the 'Abrahamic' religions;
[2] Law   National laws, international laws, pragmatic ‘laws’. Legal history. [3] Intelligence   and weak Jewish psychology;   accepting massively publicised rubbish; [4] Weak science and technology, including Jewish lies, so that Jewish lies become embedded in 'science';   [5] Anthropology, 'culture', uncritical acceptance of Jewish mythology;   [6] Over-simple material on genetics.   [7] Weak and Distorted history;   accepting common errors, often through the use of deliberately unclear Jewish categories; [8] War and Peace   [9] Talmud: Ignoring (i) beliefs; (ii) Jewish repeating strategies; (iii) secrecy, violence, blackmail, murder; [10] Refusal to even try to understand money  

I've used these categories to help thread the vast maze of Jewish influences. But by all means use others, preferably better.

Kevin Macdonald has his own website,, which started in June 2005, almost ten years before his retirement. That site now seems to be independent of CSULB, although it started as (according to the Wayback machine of This has material on his books, and a rather low number of comments by 'political scientists', members of rich Jewish pressure groups, and others, trying to snidely diss MacDonald, without answering with any serious arguments. Connoisseurs of Academic multi-speak might like STATEMENT ON DR. KEVIN MACDONALD'S WORK May 5, 2008 by the 'Academic Senate' of CSULB.

The nearest thing to a website of debate around Kevin MacDonald is, which dates from August 2007, and switched to in late November 2008 as A New Webzine: Introducing The Occidental Observer. This is a WordPress site which seems to be operated by (and monitored by) others, but I have no details, and wouldn't give them without permission anyway.

      The Occidental Quarterly, TOQ, started in 2001, published by the Charles Martel Society, and now edited by Kevin MacDonald, but I haven't found out when he became editor. Their mission statement was:–

The Occidental Observer will present original content touching on the themes of white identity, white interests, and the culture of the West. Such a mission statement is sure to be dismissed as extremism of the worst sort in today’s intellectual climate—perhaps even as a sign of psychiatric disorder. Yet there is a compelling need for such a site. A great many other identifiable groups in the multicultural West have a strong sense of identity and interest, but overt expressions of white identity and white interests (or European-American identity and interests) are rarely found among the peoples who founded these societies and who continue to make up the majority.

This is a completely unnatural state of affairs—the result of a prolonged assault on the legitimacy of these concepts by cultural elites that have dominated public discourse on issues of race and ethnicity since before World War II. We reject labels such as “white supremacist” or “racist” that are routinely bestowed on assertions of white identity and interests as a means of muzzling their expression. All peoples have ethnic interests and all peoples have a legitimate right to assert their interests, to construct societies that reflect their culture, and to define the borders of their kinship group.
Societies in Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand that have been controlled by whites for hundreds of years are the only ones to accept their own demise as a moral imperative. ...     Oct 1 2007

Which is feebly apologetic, and in conflict with aims of the site, since it assumes, without checking, that 'public discourse' actually existed, not just Jews or others in control of media; and that Europe, North America and the rest were in fact 'controlled by whites' and not by 'cultural elites', presumably meaning unelected self-defined groups such as Jews and Freemasons and non-white pseudo-aristocrats.

MacDonald has not come under much attack, and protested that no academics have debated with him seriously. Mostly of course they hint at unsoundness and lack of scientific method, or other evasive stuff—whispering campaigns, personal snubs, and impoliteness. In 2016 we had a new critique:–

Is which is Miles Mathis' critique of MacDonald, of March 18, 2016.

Mathis seems never to have heard of MacDonald, until recommended to look at The Occidental Observer by a wellwisher. Mathis was unimpressed by the site, and I think I'm right to say he brackets MacDonald with David Irving and 'Lasha Darkmoon' as misdirection people, distracting readers away from 'Intelligence', for example Marxism as an 1848 intelligence construction.
      Easier to understand is Mathis on MacDonald's overseers and publishers, all Jews. (This may possibly not be true of TOQ).
      Then Mathis switches to a crit of California State University Long Beach, in Los Angeles. To a Brit this sounds a bit of a joke, like a seaside college. It turns out to be exactly half a square mile in size, in a fat T-shape, the south part being their library, in which I'd guess Kevin MacDonald spent many years in total. Miles gives the enrollment as 37,000, so if they all turn up the population density is higher than any country in the world. Their website projects an image of rural racially mixed amity. It has a ‘College of Education ... amongst the premier educator preparation institutions in the state, preparing teachers, counselors, administrators and community leaders to promote equity and excellence in education.’ Believe that if you want to.
      Miles says it's a post-WW2 (1949) foundation, with Steve Horn President from 1970-1988, connected with the Brookings Institute, the UN, the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations. ‘So you may begin to see where Steve Horn came from, and through that where the administration of CSULB came from. Kevin MacDonald didn't end up there by accident, I would say.’
      Miles rejects the idea that MacDonald was lucky not to be thrown out of CSULB. He instances James Tracy at Florida Atlantic University, hired in 2002, tenured in 2008, fired in 2016 ‘because of his independent blogging activities in which he exposed hoaxes such as the Boston Marathon Bombings and the Sandy Hook Mass Shooting. Note that Kevin MacDonald and associates do not expose such hoaxes’ Miles says, completely and unfortunately correctly. ‘MacDonald's main thesis from the beginning has been that Gentiles cannot compete with Jews. ... While claiming to make Jews look bad—hence the anti-Semitic tag—MacDonald is actually making them look good.’
      Miles states that present laws would be sufficient to stamp out corruption—if they were enforced. MacDonald leads you away from enforcing existing laws—just as the big boys want it.

Re-reading passages in MacDonald, for example on 'Social Identity', is an odd experience, since he seems unwilling to say anything based on induction from many examples of Jewish behaviour, or based on deductions from e.g. the Talmud. We get pages and pages of extracts from novels, journals, films, politicians, authors, deceivers, and what-have-you, but his overview statements seem plucked from his supposed evolutionary theories, not based on evidence. He's like a man listing statements from many criminals of many types—interesting and unpleasant reading, but with no criminological insights emerging. And MacDonald always assumes the highly suspect Jewish claims are true. For example his assumptions on 'intelligence' (including the 15 points standard deviation which he trots out) don't distinguish intelligence from the effects of thuggery. Another example is his deadpan use of 'the Holocaust' which seems indistinguishable from Jewish self-deception, as though MacDonald had taken courses of lessons in verbal acting. More of this below. *SELF-DECEPTION NOTE ie 'educators' presumably rabbis or rich types [modern example is wistrich] lied to fellow jews, who became thru gullibility or isolation Lipstadt types who'd never been exposed to other views - not exactly self deceived, just ignorant **
      Probably many of the ADL and similar Jewish liar groups were genuinely puzzled by his books, and genuinely had no idea if they should be called 'anti-Semitic'. So maybe they just took a chance. After all, they control almost all media.

On white identity, white interests, and the culture of the West, Miles does not point out the outstanding weaknesses of MacDonald. The World Wars have problems of interpretation, and Jews and others seem to have benefited enormously. But MacDonald sticks to the conventional Jewish analysis of British vs Germans, US entry to the Great War, the Treaty of Versailles, Jews in Europe, the USSR as a standalone zone—but makes no attempt to integrate his awareness of Jews into these world-shaking events.
      Yet they are of course vitally important to whites. The same comment applies to the Federal Reserve and paper money, and removal of gold; but MacDonald has done nothing on these issues. It's a fact that Miles' website is not listed on the 'blogroll' of the Occidental Observer site, omitting a leading writer. (Nor is mine). MacDonald's early learning curve turned flat years ago.

Nathan Cofnas in 2018 wrote what he called 'A Critical Analysis' of what he called 'Kevin MacDonald’s Theory'. This sparked two months of replies, predictably something of a waste of time. (They are not very easy to find; MacDonald uploaded his material on sites which are not his own; Cofnas seems to be on Springer Verlag online site). MacDonald seemed to welcome this critique, from 'a graduate student working toward his doctorate in the philosophy of biology' at Balliol College, Oxford. (Look up the current Master of Balliol for the types presiding over the Anglo extinction). In fact Cofnas is an insult to MacDonald, of course. And not just because of his absurdly unqualified state. Cofnas modestly fails to mention the leading parts played by 'Jews' in frauds, mass murders, wars and war crimes, torture, sex crimes, fake science and other rather serious issues. It's amusing to see Cofnas adopting some of MacDonald's outlook, talking of 'genetic adaptations', including, 'most notably, high intelligence, conscientiousness, and ethnocentrism', which Cofnas claims to find in MacDonald on Jews.
      It has to be said that MacDonald shows incredible naivetë, assuming he's serious. He knows perfectly well that Jews lie and ignore and all the rest of it; but he seems unable to grasp that, according to MacDonald's own ideas, Cofnas has no intention of being honest or accurate. KM said rather plaintively that academics want their work to be taken seriously, and honest academics value the rough and tumble of academic debate. But all MacDonald's work shows Jews have a pragmatic view of 'truth' and have no interest in debate. If paid experts adopt their line, that's Jewish 'truth'.
      Here's another random piece of naivetë: ‘Jordan Peterson has become popular because of his courage and knowledge in opposing political correctness’—when of course Peterson is promoted by Soros and Jewish media and has virtually nothing useful to say on serious topics.

Jan 2024: Nathan Cofnas is Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Cambridge, working in philosophy of biology and ethics says a note to an interview with Cofnas, by (of course) a Jew. Cofnas has a monotone delivery, possibly an evolutionary device to repel listeners. Fascinatingly repulsive to listen to; with one Jewish phrase after another, including 'gentile society' to refer to all non-Jews, and people who never heard of Jews. MacDonald is a 'holocaust denier', probably doesn't pass the bar, invents fake quotations. Jews acting against white societies are 'Liberal'. There's an 'ongoing debate' according to the fellow-Jew; in fact of course it was an unfinished arm's length thing years ago.
      MacDonald's separate, unconnected, talk was saddening and pathetic: MacDonald hasn't wide experience of the world and isn't fitted to examine monetary frauds and military criminality and issues of ownership and property. He painfully explained he knew nothing about Jews until about 1999, and thought they were rather like the Spartans. His delivery included pseudo-technical terms of the type which seem to generate themselves when aspects of the world which are not understood exhibit some acceptable regularities. At the end of his splutterings, the 'interviewer' revealed himself as a 'mischling'; I don't think MacDonald even had someone competent on the audio, as his reply was subdued.
      The obvious fact, which ought to be stated, is that Cofnas is just one of the 'academic' world's set of commissars. I haven't checked Cofnas's official position in Cambridge, or how he got there, but obviously one of his functions must be to report and act on Jewish policies, such as the COVID fraud. Just like Commissars in the 'Red' Army, whose role was to ensure that (e.g.) plenty of Russian non-Jews got killed.
Contents, HTML, © Rae West Uploaded Dec 2019
=============================================================================================== In a way, Jews are easy and predictable. We Westerners are a very difficult puzzle. - macd hunter gatherer 40,000 yrs ago anatolian middle east farmer 8000 indo european 4500 [beowulf not about warriors - grendel] __________________________________________________________________ on money; what can be bought? magratheans building planets towns and rents and failure to appreciate land tenure ______________________________________ Idea that horrific events in europe put jews at risk, hence support for blacks, primitive immigrants -- but if jew started ww1 and ww2, they were responsible for hitler etc and of course oppose this idea with great force, tough as yet this is a minority interest. Anyone would assume that military hierarchies and histiorains and theoreticians would keenly investigate these arguments, but i see no sign they are _____________________________________________________________________ still has material on holocaust omitting US war crimes - nuclear missiles etc - jewish writings but KM gives no sources, authorship etc - zionism ' spread and became mainstream within the Jewish community despite its riskiness. (1940s)' - [no nukes!] They lied about the battleship Maine, the Lusitania and Pearl Harbor. They lied about the assassinations of JFK and RFK, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the first Gulf War, the fake genocide in Kosovo, 9/11, the WMD’s in Iraq, the killing of Bin Laden, Libya, the gas attacks in Syria and the civil war in Ukraine. And they lied about the provenance of the moon rocks, which are frauds. reasons for jewish success - nepotism, usury, criminality, immorality, extreme hostility towards nonjews, disregard for the happiness of all non-jews. .. an ethnic mafia. [note omission of long term loans, and ownership of land, and shares, and fake money] Poor Jews, meanwhile, were sometimes forbidden from marrying. They were also victims of substantial discrimination, which, he infers, may have motivated them to abandon Judaism, raising the IQ of the remaining population. However, he provides no hard data showing that poor Jews did indeed abandon Judaism in greater numbers – and Jewish charity may have disincentivized defection (p312-9). More plausible is Macdonald's claim that Jews low in the personality factor known as 'conscientiousness' may have been prone to abandon Judaism, because they lacked the self-discipline to comply with the incredible ritual demands Judaism imposed on adherents (p312-9). Macdonald also attributes the higher average IQ of Jews to "eugenics", citing various Rabbinic quotations regarding the desirability of marrying the daughter of a scholar, or marrying one’s daughter to a scholar (p275-88). In contrast, celibacy was imposed on many Christian religious scholars (i.e. monks, priests). As Galton surmised, this may have had a dysgenic effect on Christian IQs. Of course, today, religious studies is not an intellectually respected field. Richard Dawkins even disparaged theology as “not a real subject at all”. However, in the past, theology may have been the only form of scholarship it was safe for Jews, Christians or even closet atheists to undertake. Anyone investigating more substantial matters (e.g. whether the Earth orbited the Sun or vice versa) was in danger of being burnt at the stake if he reached the wrong conclusion (i.e. the right conclusion). The theory that the fecundity of Jewish religious scholars, as contrasted with the celibacy demanded of priests/monks, played a role in selecting for increased intelligence in Jewish populations cannot therefore be discounted. andrew joyce 2014 first to look at lies about lies by Jews note on reading br auto: many of the causes were fake - nukes jfk assass moon landing climate change holocaust no jewish films made of us war criminals - refers to 'holocaust' -- Jewish population losses stemming from the Holocaust [sic] - Hitler - Stalin 'regarded jews as unreliable' - 'fall of the soviet union' - great naivete of KM eg academic-quality articles - 'These donors collectively contribute vastly out of proportion to their numbers' - neocon as jewish coining - jonathan pollard No idea of multiple sources of jew money: Trotskyists took seriously the Marxist idea that the proletarian socialist revolution should occur first in the economically advanced societies of the West rather than in backward Russia or China. They also thought that a revolution only in Russia was doomed to failure because the success of socialism in Russia depended inevitably on the world economy. [of course US funded USSR]

war crimes extract from russell brpf. or autobiog: vol iii the foundation: The United States is conducting a war in Vietnam in which it has tolerated and supervised every form of bestiality against a primitively armed peasant population. Disembowelments, mutilations, mass bombing raids with jelly-gasoline, the obliteration of of over 75% of the villages of the country, and the despatch of over eight million people to internment camps have characterised this war.' 1964 letter to Lord Gladwyn

individualism and us character

unconscious as similar to aelf-deception-less after 20 years (enough to turn a newborn into a graduate) a harsher look

--UNDERCOVER VIDEO: Jewish Attorneys Teach Companies How to Exclude American Workers *Sources mostly jewish books in english. about 1000 titles - about 3 per page. 'primary sources' are eng trans of 8 books mostly us universities and soncino babylonian talmud. Omissions scott a h lane (alien menace) greek chap arnold leese osman bey? look at my chronology __________________________ “An email instructed Binary Book sales representatives to target retirees, Social Security recipients, pension holders and veterans as clients.” _____________________________ note on shipman; is it credible he wasn't noticed? woman who died after rohypnol note on dyslexia note on campaign against salt note on war supporters eg pankhursts note on diabetes - all types the same note on civil war, prohibition, lansky and crooks, ADL, sayanim?, look/say teaching, jewish PHDs unoriginal / ?megamoney; what does a trillion buy? And what does a billionisre mean? No consideration of such issues/ families as in Mathis as intertwined net including sport, theatre, film, actors, writers, poets ... -eugenics ?? - IQs not picking out cunning see my joke jew iq test - US and war crimes new comments aug 2019: *Much of the contents is quoted from Jewish authors. .... Book list has only surname and initials(s). No indication as to Jews. NB available online as a free downloadable PDF Omitted topics from index of C of C * Bank of England (somewhere a quote that development of ? Britain was 'barely touched' by Jews); * Nothing on US Civil War *Nothing on 100 years war, thirty years war *Nothing on WW1 and WW2 and Jews, except Nat Socialism *Nothing on 'Communism' as evading Jews. Eg geneticists damaging wheat harvest *Not much on Catholicism as started by Jews - and likely secret deals (eg condemning usury allied caths with Jews) *KM has little idea of the power of media book etc in establishing beliefs and pushing them, for example the Dreyfus series of events. . . . He prefers things like 'Social Identity Theory' *KM assumes other academic disciplines are correct, even speculative ones. DNA, loci, genetic distance (and least squares), g 'general factor' in intelligence, fluid intelligence. *KM consistently refers to jews as 'highly educated' Unindexed: Jesuits -NB watch for automatic reactions by most people. eg note on pope innocent, reported unfav by McCabe. Nero example. Hitler now. Inquisition Nazism. chinese in thailand. Poland arenda system nesta webster - 1 title arthur koestler on khazars - 1 ref j beaty iron curtain 1 title *2004 has a new preface to 1998 edition. 2 aspects. NB KM is never proactive. Psychological mechanisms of ethnic conflict Paul Rubin giving conventional Jew style economics MONEY KMac doesn't consider how films were financed (or radio; or newsprint; or paperbacks; or TV) but presumably by Jews from London or berlin. Or earlier music hall CO-EVOLUTION Jews offered expensive equipment, ships, artillery, planes, bombs; sex; violence - and many veterans committed suicide- co-evolved with jews? *Nothing much on puppets or collaborators, except kings wanting tax collectors which rules out modern political corruption analysis of Nazis and Soviets caths, prots, muslims, jews science frauds In contents themes of anti-semitism the theme of separatism and clannishness The Themes of Jewish Economic, Cultural and Political Domination The Theme of Disloyalty [note the assumption of international reach - 'diaspora' rather than grab then run] p103 missing reference to note 45 [huge list of jew media cos] p70 The idea that Jews were a dominant force in the Bolshevik Revolution was a widespread source of anti-Semitism especially during the interwar years, and continues to the present. p95 Take the case of a peasant: if he once gets into the hands of this class, he is irretrievably lost. The proprietor, in his turn, from a small loan gradually mortgages and eventually loses his estate. [legalism of jews] theocc banned my comment that jews had murdered tens of millions - why not enjoy the same treatment 18 oct 2019 reply to achilles wanabee borders for s, not for you Raeto West Maybe this is where Jews diverged evolutionarily (or were from another group). Language is not really understood - there must be a lot of mental activity going on, including imputing meaning to words which aren't yet understood - and maybe Jews discovered salesman-like and manipulative uses of words, including lies, inciting hate and describing cruelty. Margaret A. Young Raeto West if you read ancient history, the whole Israelite thing just doesn't hold water. The worship of Yahweh did not suddenly appear with some. 're migration. It evolved gradually from a polytheist system in which Yahweh was the son of So, brother of Baal and son, sister in law and then husband of Asherah. The Habiru people were stateless nomads, escaped slaves, bandits, and herdsmen in a time when agriculture was taking root. These people appear gonna be been joined by a very small number of people cast out of Egypt. So they had nothing, they weren't really a nation just bands of outcasts. Little by little some of these groups were allowed to settle small areas but there was never any civilisation to speak of. They survived however they could and many became like gypsies, travelling and eventually trading. My theory is that this small group from Egypt crudely exploited the other ignorant wanderers, but I cant prove it. But all sources describe them as being cast out time and time again, being hated for their sacrifices and turning to treachery to survive . In addition from the most ancient times they are described as hating humanity. It all strikes me as a group that was beaten too many times and developed whatever it took to survive without strength or might, and being despised, turned that hatred back with interest. It isn't hard to feel sorry for them in the early period if you discount the takes of child sacrifice. I don't though. I think an act so barbaric would necessarily alter the people who took part and fill them with self loathing which would either lead to suicide or turning that hate to others.