• David Irving and Conspiracy Theories

Rae West   ('Rerevisionist')

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Is David Irving an Agent of some kind, presumably Jew- or intelligence- related? I don't know, but I'll present some arguments. The inset material which follows (in red boxes) can be skimmed through; it samples various post-1945 atrocities and lies and schemes, and changes in public understanding.

Introduction. 1945-1963
Starvation of Germany after World War II by John Wear (published by CODOH: 2019-May-25, here dates famine in Germany from 1945-1948). Wear states that the Morgenthau Plan was in fact carried out, contrary to the usual view, though not to completion. Edited from Wikipedia, it's clear Jews ran the BBC; many Britons to this day have no idea of the powerful influence of, and necessary censorship by, Jews in their country.
      William Haley, editor of the Manchester Evening News, joined the BBC in 1943 and became Director-General in 1944, to 1952.
      Lieutenant General Ian Jacob, 'served' as the Military Assistant Secretary to Winston Churchill's war cabinet, later 'serving' as Director-General from 1952 to 1959.

      Other world events in this timeframe included:– the complete subjugation of Russia and Eastern Europe by Jews, and the US genocide by experimental weapons in Vietnam, under the Jews Johnson and Kissinger. And the deletion of the British Empire, assets largely transferred to USA Jews. And the takeover of the French Empire. The 'Cold War' was a Jewish invention, as was the supporting fraud of 'nuclear weapons' (in my view). Large-scale bombing was common practice in many countries, including Germany, France, Greece, Italy, and Japan. In short, barbarism was widespread. And so was propaganda to pretend it wasn't.

David Irving's book The Destruction of Dresden was published in 1963
by William Kimber, and made Irving's name. ... or perhaps the then-modern intensive publicity in TV, radio, and the press made his reputation. (Apocalypse 1945: The Destruction of Dresden was much later, a computer-era portable document format updated edition).

My Lai, 1968 Publicity about US genocide in Vietnam. Signalled the Jewish decision that they had effective control of currency, land, and assets. (As just one indicator, it's now said that 'Kerry' (=Cohen) gets a percentage for all land sales in Vietnam). There had of course been endless atrocities, deaths in the millions.

David Irving's book Uprising! was published in October 1981
It was reviewed in the Observer (Jewish publication, as of course were all British newspapers) in 1981, by someone called Neal Ascherson, who used the title 'Bucketful of Slime' of Irving's book on the vicious Jewish regime in Hungary. (Or earlier - the 9th revisionist conference dates it at 1977 after Hitler's War.) After that time, Irving often used the phrase 'buckets of slime'—poured over him.

In 1983, a book by Rupert Butler, Legions of Death revealed or claimed that Höss, Kommandant of Auschwitz, was tortured for three days to get his faked conWfession, and his signature on an English-language document which he couldn't read. Robert Faurisson discovered or popularised this. About 38 years after the Nuremberg Trials.
      Note added 11 Jan 2021: Doubt was first cast on Faurisson by Hexzane527, in France. He's his article in French. And here's my machine translation.

David Irving's book Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich was written by 1996
but NOT published by St Martin's Press, a Jewish publishing company, in a breach of contract which led to Irving's libel prosecution of Deborah Lipstadt. The Acknowledgements detail the secret Moscow archives in which Goebbels' diaries, on glass photographic plates, had been discovered by someone called Fröhlich.

1989 Eisenhower's Death Camps called 'a dirty little secret'. Remember this was more than 40 years earlier.

1997 James Bacque Crimes and Mercies 1944-1950

David Irving vs Lipstadt and Penguin Books Libel Trial 2000 in some detail. This is my version; David's is on fpp.co.uk.

2003 Albert Weeks Stalin's Other War: Soviet Grand Strategy 1939-1941 was reviewed by David Irving (http://www.fpp.co.uk/online/03/04/Stalin_plans.html) who added that a speech by Stalin was reported in Irving's Hitler's War in 1975. This is related as a reference to archives of the 'Hitler-Stalin pact, known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop, or Nazi-Soviet pact, which included secret protocols about the territorial division of Poland, the Baltics and Bessarabia.'

About this time (I don't have accurate details) link to video: Irving at a lectern talking for about an hour on Hitler was made, on one of Irving's tours of the USA, in the Chicago area this time. Introduced by Mark Weber of IHR, the Institute for Historical Review. (The video is on Bitchute; Youtube removed my 'Rerevisionist' website as part of its move into full Jewish censorship.) It's a bit less than an hour, and has a talk with some questions and answers at the end.
      The video was obviously made after the Lipstadt libel trial; which Irving defends, incidentally, except for Gray, the Judge. Irving discusses 'survivors', and 'denier'—'a sort of Goebbelsian word'. He said "Since about 1963 jewish organisations around the world had decided to smash me, and we know this from documents revealed in the [Lipstadt Libel] trial." He added that the [British] government seized his card index of Hitler's activities I think from 1933 to 1945—he gave a vivid description—of which "half were destroyed" though he seemed to think he might get them back. He said (at about 53 minutes) that Hitler's name originally was Hiedler—'no mystery about that.' He pointed out that Auschwitz had 70,000-ish survivors, meaning, I take it, living people who had not fled. Of these, only a handful had been publicised; what would the others have said? He expressed no doubts about most of the official stories of Dresden's firebombing and Hiroshima's 'nuking'. (He had sufficient clout with Youtube to get my video of his talk including Hiroshima to reappear. But then my entire Youtube site was removed, or perhaps hidden).


Enter Miles Mathis

Miles Mathis' 12-page December 2015 paper Looks Like David Irving is Jewish (with more bits in: blarnia.pdf (Oct 2016 on C S Lewis), and daisy.pdf (Nov 2016 from Lord Byron to Daisy Ridley).
      The problem is that jews world-wide were powerful enough to control the entire US (depression USA was a mess); and control the (((British))) Empire - again, the British got little from 'their' empire; and the USSR was all Jewish, including mass killings and theft. The French also had an empire, but France too was infested with Jews and their freemason collaborators.
      So there's a possibility that Irving was part of a deep plot to maintain wartime fictions, for example the 'Holocaust', and the evil nature of investigators, and/or their ending up in disgrace or jail. Or there may be deeper plots, such as the fictional isolation of Hitler (and Stalin, and Mussolini) hiding the networking activity of Jews, perhaps instinctively hanging together with lies. Perhaps the most fundamental plot is to destroy whites.

DENIAL (DVD 2016/2017) is a typically Jewish historical rewrite. The object is obviously to pretend the trial was 'Holocaust' centred. And to project it—Lipstadt said nothing during the trial—as successful for Jews. The link is to my—probably excessively long—review. The movie/DVD turns out to be yet more jewish propaganda trying to project the Holohoax fraud.

How the Master Race of Jews won WW2. This is my collection of pointers about the time of the Second World War in date order to the likelihood of jewish collaboration across the whole of Europe, and the USSR, and many parts of Asia. More convincing proof would need access to archives which may not even exist, and which in any case would be fiercely-held secrets. Unlike diseases, which do not tell lies and conceal themselves very much, these illusions depending on control of the senses hide themselves, mutate, bribe, and threaten. This may be the reason that scientific analysis of intra-human parasitism has had to wait for such a long time: other things were easier to discover.

Summary of Miles Mathis on David Irving. What May We Conclude?

Miles Mathis in irving.pdf   is well worth reading as a sample of leading-edge revisionism. (Note that Irving's huge website has a search engine, if you wish to check on his legal cases, for example). Mathis looks at an article, by Johann Hari, in the so-called Independent, a newspaper in my opinion invented specifically to promote jewish wars in the Middle East and North Africa. He describes Irving after his trial, in a large house (which I was told he rented at a low rent). Mathis looks into Irving's ancestry:– jewish mother (stated Irving); twin (but not identical) brother; England crowded with other people's armies, his father high up in the Navy, mysterious Scottish connection. Brentwood School, Imperial College.
      Some of the above seems slightly wrong: England had Canadian and US troops; Mathis seems to think a non-identical twin is as useful as identical; Irvimg lived for a time at Croy, in Scotland; his father is omitted from Who's Who, at least in 1948, surely indicating something secret; British education at the time had many scholarships and subsidies.
      Mathis thinks the German steelworks story, and reappearance in Spain, look fishy. I'm not sure—but it's likely enough. And note that Eisenhower's death camps—more lethal to Germany than Dresden—were far closer to the steelworks than Dresden, out east.
      Mathis really gets into his stride with publishing, and his look at William Kimber. Irving describes Kimber here and there—"old-style gentleman publisher"—but omits interesting material, for example his line in spying books. And in Leon Uris, author of Exodus (1958), an author who has been compared with Steven Spielberg as a jew fanatic totally oblivious of truth. The murder of British troops was a live issue at the time. Look up Dr Dehring and Lord Gardiner. By the time of Dresden, Gerry Gable and Searchlight were on the scene, and Mathis wonders successfully about fake events to give publicity to both publishing events. MI5/MI6 presumably was mostly Jewish, with inferior goyim as padding. Peter Wright of Spycatcher perfectly illustrates an utterly jew-naive Brit; surely there must have been some friction? I suspect poor Gerry was slipped money by the BBC, after a legal battle, probably with Jewish lawyers, so British money would go to handfuls of Jews. After all, they could hardly award a minor crook an award. Mathis assumes a legal battle over Capt Jack Broome (of Convoy PQ17, published 1968), was genuine; but who knows?

      The secret object of Jews in my opinion was to network together for war, while building up Germany as a supposed huge threat to Jews, and building up the USA and the utterly undemocratic USSR. The idea was to kill off rivals, something Jews had experience with. They got their war, tens of millions died, but Jews emerged unscathed and strong. But, if so, surely David Irving might just be a standard Brit, as naif as the standard American, unaware of the possibilities of secret networking? I never thought (and I worked with him for months) of skulduggery; his interest was in collecting evidence and artefacts about the Third Reich. But his books Hitler's War and Churchill's War elide away the possibilities of tens of thousands of jews co-operating country by country to wreck whites. And his archives are all state (i.e. jew) supported, and financial dealings are as out of the picture as BBC TV news.
      The 'naif Brit' idea seems likely to be true, to me; on this view, Irving is a serious researcher, perhaps with jewish connections, following leads—without realising he's being nudged and shepherded behind the scenes by jews and their collaborators. See my long list of secret archives in David Irving's Churchill's War vol II and speculate on the dishonesty of most 'historians', while also speculating on the enormous gaps in jewish inter-communications.

Another example of Mathis in attack mode is kevin.pdf on Kevin Macdonald—Why I think Kevin MacDonald and the Occidental Observer are Controlled Opposition. After all, his Culture of Critique was published before 2000, so MacDonald has had about 25 years to write serious criticisms of Jewish power.
      And yet MacDonald has said nothing even about the 'Holocaust' and 9/11! An up-to-date presentation of The Occidental Observer is a video including Tom Sunic and Kevin MacDonald discussing invaders moving into Europe. Sunic said he was at a loss to understand the phenomenon of so-called 'pathological altruism', and commented on Croatia as bearing a load caused by an alliance with the Third Reich—Sunic must know of Jewish mass murders in the east, and the fake of the 'Holocaust', and Jewish media ownership and control. Sunic is in some US university as a 'political scientist'; it's like calling people who pick flowers 'scientific botanists'.

The problem is, Germany was tiny in comparison with the huge world-wide Jewish empires, and world-wide Jews could easily direct money to Germany, and just as easily impose retributions and taxes and what have you. Without a very careful accounting it's impossible to be sure of what happened. Did Richard Tedor, the defender of Germany's economic policy, do all the work necessary? If he intentionally missed serious details—finance, support of Stalin , support by Jews of Germany? Judging by the emptiness of academic economists then and now, I'd say almost certainly not. In my view it's most likely the whole thing was a distraction from Jewish control of all the important economies.

New photo from new Hitler's War, by Walter Frentz, in 1944. I have to say it looks fake to me.

David Irving in 2020

Time for a re-check and update. David's site is still fpp.co.uk (assuming it's him, which stylistically and so on seems certain).
Here's a list of statements which seem outdated (or, less politely, wrong) to me. In my view David is not a full revisionist; Mathis may therefore be correct:–

More on a Jewish spy        The sleepy Israeli town and the Jewish spy who helped the Soviets get the bomb– Ha’aretz

Up, up, and away        The ultra-rich drift away from sinful earth on their coronavirus-proof super-yachts– RT. Warning: RT is a Russian government outlet

Lesson in pariotism       How David Irving defined Patriotism for Richard Rampton, QC, the very capable defence counsel of Deborah “Liar" Lipstadt (15 secs.)

Phew! That was a good day to bury bad news               Judges find [Hungarian-born] Josh Frydenberg eligible to sit in Australian Parliament– smh.com.au. Hungarian Jews have played a shameful and disgraceful role throughout the country’s Bolshevik-Communist history: Rákosi, Péter, Révai, Farkas ... The list goes on and on

Well, well, well        Yet another amazing “Holocaust” survivor’s storyDaily Express. Grandmother who spent three years “hiding in a well” [without a bath] condemns moaning about quarantine

War Crimes, Inc.          Cheering [heard] as Israeli sniper shoots Gaza Palestinian in the headThe Guardian | Previously, Tensions rise after video of Israeli bulldozer dragging Palestinian body sparks outrage- Mondoweiss

Ask not, For Whom the Bell Tolls        U.K.’s coronavirus death toll jumps by 54 to 335: Britain’s second highest rise in victims in a day as Boris Johnson faces Cabinet revolt unless he imposes European-style lockdown– Daily Mail. After a weekend in which crowds flocked to parks to take advantage of sunshine

Rosanna Arquette [who is Jewish] claims in deleted Tweet that Israel knew about Coronavirus [for a year] and put “Lives at Risk for Profit”jewishjournal. Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean at the Simon Wiesenthal Center denies it

HTML, burrowings, checking etc Rae West. Upload 15 June 2019. Archive comment 22 June 2019. Update from fpp.co.uk 24 03 2020