VOMIT UK 30/00

Victims Of Masonic Ill-Treatment 22 July 2000

Anyone criticised or maligned in these publications has a guaranteed right of reply. JMF or P2 Lodge UK stands for the hierarchies of the Judaeo/Masonic Faction. The ordinary Mason and Jew are as likely to suffer from the machinations of the JMF as non-Masons and non-Jews are. Almost every institution in the UK is corrupt. While the final blame lies with the Member of Parliament and the Prime Minister, Freemasonry is invariably involved along with the courts, the police and local government. Everything we publish is aimed at the detection and prevention of crime especially in the public sector. We act in the public interest.


We can see nothing wrong with Jews helping Israel apart from the possibility that it might make Israel more intransigent and result in another world war. However if the financial aid for Israel were to be generated by abuses of legal processes in the UK that would be a matter which could lead to civil unrest in the UK. That is another reason why the office of Lord Chancellor must cease to exist.

Dame Shirley Porter has taken her riches to Israel and Robert Maxwell is buried there. We admired Maxwell and despise Porter. Maxwell's widow is determined to keep exploiting the Holocaust in order to prevent a repetition. Our view is that such behaviour will lead to further persecution of innocent Jews.

On Tuesday we spoke to a lady who visits Israel. She said that there was visible evidence of American involvement in all things. If America's Jews were to help Palestinians there would be hope for civilisation.


From the front page of the Hendon and Finchley Press on 14 July 2000.


POLICE in bullet-proof vests helped remove eight people from a house in Golders Green - amid claims the eviction was illegal.

Cranbourne Gardens was blocked off at both ends as the evictions took place on July 6. Ten police cars and vans were on the scene.

It is not known why the High Court Sheriff's Office brought along 30 policemen, many of them wearing bullet-proof vests. No firearms were, in the end, involved.

The eviction was successful and the house was yesterday boarded up.

But Rudi Vis, MP for Finchley and Golders Green, said "Questions are being asked about the legality of all this.

"The home was owned jointly by Gedaljahu Ebert and his wife Devorah and I do not think it is lawful to evict him when his wife owns half the house.

"I have written to the Lord Chancellor about this case seven times and I am still waiting for a reply. I understand Mrs Ebert has gone to the High Court."

A witness who did not wish to be named, said, "It was quite shocking to see policemen wearing bullet-proof vests in such a quiet road."

The High Court Sheriff's office was unavailable for comment yesterday. It was not possible to speak to Mr and Mrs Ebert. ***

We are not afraid to comment. There was something drastically illegal about this affair and the joint ownership was a minor part of the illegality as Comrade Vis well knows. Mr Ebert has taken out summonses against Ralph Wolff who has an Israeli and UK address. Mr Ebert has also issued summonses against Midland Bank PLC and against Jessica Weisfogel and Jacob Isaac Rabinnicz of Teacher Stern & Selby Solicitors. Mrs Devorah Ebert has taken out a summons against Joan Yvonne Venvil. The summonses are for serious criminal offences. An accusing finger has been pointed at Judge M J Neuberger who has not yet received a summons but is understood to be subject of a police investigation. The failure of the police to prosecute will result in a call for Commissioner Stevens to resign.

What sort of MP sits back and does nothing when the Lord Chancellor ignores seven letters? He waited until the horse had bolted and the door was locked. We contacted him about the shoot-to-kill visit by Thames Valley Police and told him to feel free to ignore our letter since he would be fully occupied with his own constituents. He wrote to us to say that there was a strict rule, which prevented him taking up the cases of people outside his constituency. That is a lie. There is simply a convention and it does not prevent an MP making representations on behalf of anyone in the UK.

Note the increasing tendency for the police to enforce corruption with marksmen, bullet-proof vests, CS gas, long truncheons, headlocks and good old fashioned boots and fists. If we were a policeman we would - like many decent police officers - leave the force before we would allow ourselves to be used in this way by bent politicians and judges.


Since the shoot-to-kill incident here last August there has been extensive unlawful development at the drug site next door. Chilterns Chief Planning Officer Hartley has been questioned about this and has promised to reply in four weeks while the developers scurry around like dung beetles round a cowpat to complete the development. You may recall that Hartley was sacked and then reinstated because nobody remembered why he had been sacked. After that he faced serious allegations over the death of six people including four teenagers. He had been driving home after midnight from a party when he "witnessed" an accident. He reported it 36 hours later and was accompanied by his solicitor. He did not answer questions at the inquest because he was under police caution. We are now calling for a police investigation by an outside force.

In spite of his record he applied for the job of Chief Executive much to the amusement of newspaper reporters. Two warring Masonic lodges determine his destiny.

The charlatans are determined to close us down by hook or by crook. Stichbury said that something would have to be done about us. Our mail is being opened and our telephone interfered with. Will Blair send in 30 police goons to supervise our eviction and then arrange for a substantial sum of drug money to go to Israel through the Seychelles money laundering holiday resort? The president of the Seychelles and Blair are friends.


That greatest living democrat Anthony Wedgewood Benn, MP, was at Tolpuddle last weekend on another ego trip. The more we learn about Benn the more we understand why his Bristol constituency got rid of him. Now he is the big fish in the backwaters of Chesterfield. Four men in T-shirts bearing the Vomit logo and the Dorset police logo on which there was superimposed the square and compass of Freemasonry were distributing VOMIT public interest leaflets to the marching trade unionists. The only person who refused a leaflet was the aforesaid Benn who said that he did not want to have anything to do with the matter. He was shamed into taking one. As the four heroes were quenching their thirst in the Martyrs public house the marchers congratulated them. The marchers were surprised to find that the distributors were all respectable ordinary men. Over 1000 leaflets were handed out in the village. Several activists from all over the UK asked to have leaflets sent to them for distribution. Well done, lads. You should not have had your names on your T-shirts. Some Masons are not only vindictive. They are also psychopaths. Who killed David Dolton?


Mr Dryden is now at H M Prison Nottingham, Perry Road, Sherwood, Nottingham NG3 5AG. He has written to us on 13 and 16 July. Here are some excerpts.

*** My solicitor came to see me on Friday 7 July 2000. He wrote again to the Criminal Cases Review Commission 7 weeks ago but there has been no reply. He first wrote to the CCRC on 24 July 1999 and got no reply. As you know the chairman of the CCRC is Sir Frederick Crawford, a Royal Arch Degree Mason who has refused to return my documents setting out the grounds for a new appeal.

The three judges for my first appeal were Taylor, Macpherson and Steele (female). My counsel was James A Chadwin (Fax 0191 261 0043) and my solicitors Mr Jones? And Karen? Hill of Ward Hadaway (Fax 0191 456 4125). The judges took 17 minutes to reject my appeal. As soon as they announced their finding my counsel and solicitors ran from the court. I have not seen them since that day. ***

Note: Mr Dryden tends to spell names wrongly. If we have made a mistake with the names of counsel and solicitors we will apologise and will correct any mistake.

This latest move to Nottingham seems to be yet another example of the sickness amongst Home Office officials. It could mean an early release for Mr Dryden if only to forestall a fresh appeal resulting in compensation. Shades of the M25 three!


The Dacorum Action Group found Local Government Ombudsman E B C Osmotherley (LGO) guilty of misconduct in public office in covering up Dacorum Borough Council corruption. We found that he did likewise for Chiltern District Council. When he moved to Westminster as LGO he repeated the offence for Lady Porter's gangsters. The latest news is that he is Parliamentary Commissioner (Parliamentary Ombudsman). This again illustrates that we British have turned the role of Ombudsman on its head. Ombudsmen are supposed to be independent adjudicators who ensure fair play. In the UK they invariably cover up for corruption. The basic problem is the unaccountability and dishonesty of judges and the fact that they are not appointed on merit. When judges are impartial no one needs fear going before a court. "Ombudsmen" can be consigned to the muckheap where they belong.


The Crown Estate is the landlord of Ms Anita Tierney who resides at 7 Colosseum Terrace, LONDON NW1 4EE. Ms Tierney took legal action against the landlord for damages because they did not maintain her flat in a state suitable for human habitation with the result that she suffered serious and permanent health problems. Solicitors for the Crown Estate were Cameron McKenna who must be the biggest company in the UK and who have offices all over the world including Russia. Miss E R Hughes of Cameron McKenna, acted from the Crown Agents. As might be expected the merit of Ms Tierney's case did not enter the equation. All the time honoured abuses of legal processes were employed against her with the connivance or participation of the judges. Transcripts were altered. Documents were removed from bundles. Perjury was commonplace. Invariably the opposing solicitor was allowed to explain Ms Tierney's case while she was told to shut up and sit down. Like Geoffrey Scriven she would be told that she had 20 minutes to make her case and then interrupted repeatedly by the judge or the opposition.

What we do not understand is why her MP referred her to the Parliamentary Ombudsman Osmotherley. We require more information including the names of all the judges and counsel. Ms Tierney's fax number would also be useful. Let us see what Osmotherley makes of her case.


How can we knock sense into Chief Constable Stichbury? She is still walking on water and floating on Cloud Nine. She would be better employed as a spin-doctor for Blair where truth and justice play second fiddle to egomania. Gerald Coulter (PH/FAX 01923 262726) makes the point that on 4 July 1776 the Americans called a halt to the British justice system and ended colonial rule in America. The same oppressive and elitist system still exists in the UK with a psychologically flawed Lord Chancellor coming forward with a new hare brained scheme on a daily basis. A mentally flawed Home Secretary scars the face of justice with more knee jerk police friendly schemes. Even if Chief Constables had some grey matter they would find themselves lost in a sea of regulations with the majority of policemen spending most of their time opening mail, eavesdropping on telephone calls, reading surveillance camera records and dealing in drugs and other crimes on their own behalf.

Stichbury interviewed Mr Coulter on 4 July. She got more than she bargained for. Mr Coulter provided her with detailed evidence against Dorset councillors and asked her to take a further statement from him. He submitted documentary evidence including details of the BBC programme entitled "Anything to Declare". It showed that councillors who were Masons and connected mainly with planning had not complied with statute. That is a criminal offence, which should lead at least to resignation and even imprisonment.

Stichbury has so far made no move to take a statement from Mr Coulter or from the BBC investigator. Dorset police were quick enough to travel to Kings Langley to arrest Mr Coulter for an offence he had not committed. Will someone explain to Stichbury that her job is to have crime detected and punished no matter who commits the offence?


We are aghast at the behaviour of Bucks. Councillors at all levels. The overwhelming aroma from them comes from the sweat of the coward. There are exceptions. On 7 July Lee Price from BT "National Repair Support" in Cardiff faxed us to say that he had a complaint that we were faxing 01628 522600 in error. He added, "As you can no doubt appreciate, it is very frustrating for the customer receiving these calls as they do not have a fax machine and are unable to stop the calls."

The fact is that Buckinghamshire County Council gave out the fax number for K I Ross, Chairman of the Council, who has an allowance of £14,698.20 plus travel. He is obliged as a public servant to accept faxes from members of the public especially when they deal with corruption in his council and seek evidence of further corruption. He certainly has a fax machine. His massive expense allowance covers the cost of faxes and leaves him well in pocket. BT has repeatedly behaved unlawfully to censor us and has been assisted in this by OFTEL. Arise Lord Vallance of Lodge High Wycombe!


Peter Prankerd of Upper Cottage, Nanshuttall Farm, St Mawes, Cornwall (Phone 07977 145737) informs us that Simmonds, the Mason behind his unlawful arrest and assault by Devon and Cornwall Police, employs the son (Simon) of Lord Justice Ognall at a salary of £100,000 p.a. We will have more to say about Ognall whose impartiality saved the day for Socgen Lease, a subsidiary of the French Bank Societe Generale. It took him a month to alter a London court order because he was sitting in Winchester Assizes. He added "by consent" and frustrated an appeal.


As anticipated the CFAFH class action to the European Court of Human Rights did not disclose "any appearance of a violation" and "the applicants have been informed of the possible obstacles to admissibility". The applicants have not in fact been contacted and there was absolute proof of violations. For this perverse decision we have to thank the British fixer J S Philips. We do not know what tales he tells the court. It will be along the lines that "this is a subversive organisation that threatens the security of the state" or "it undermines public morals" or "it has numerous top criminals and terrorists in its ranks" or some other lies in which the Treasury Solicitors excel. ECHR has been doing this since 1966. We should get out of Europe.


He is allegedly Sir David O'Dowd (Fax 020 7273 3370) but we have been unable to ascertain whether he exists or if he is computer generated. His office referred us to Peter Winship who is another public service parasite and then to Mr Povey at Winship's address. We hoped that Winship had been kicked out. O'Dowd's office has referred the Masefields' (Fax 01308 485729) complaint about Dorset Police and the PCA to the same Winship. We are giving O'Dowd another few days to answer. Can anyone wonder why our police forces are so incompetent and corrupt? And parasites have parasites upon their backs.

Published by J M Todd-Misbourne Farmhouse-Amersham Road-Chalfont St Giles-Bucks. HP8 4RU

Per pro Vomit. No copyright. Tel 01494 871204. Fax 01494 870031

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