This is a hypertext file from Rae West's archives. It is not his work and is reproduced here, unedited, so readers may judge for themselves the views expressed in this file when it was freely available on Internet.
Link back to 'Why Science Cannot Cure Cancer and AIDS Without Your Help?' [Ling]

lp8 Semmelweis, Ignaz,

"The Etiology, Concept, and Prophylaxis of Childbed Fever" was published by Semmelweis in 1859-61 in German. An English version was published by the University of Wisonsin Press, Madison, Wisc. in 1983. Translated and edited by Codell Carter, Carter also provided an Introduction.

For an opinion that Semmelweis "was in fact beaten to death" while trying to escape from the asylum, see p.58 of the Translator's Introduction.