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lp7a Three monographs presenting the association-induction hypothesis in different stages of its development

"A Physical Theory of the Living State: the Association-Induction Hypothesis"

by Gilbert N. Ling, Blaisdell Publishing Company, A Division of Random House, Inc., New York, London. 1962. Library of Congress Catalogue Number: 62-11835. 682 pages. Divided into 18 Chapters. (Book out of print.)





Chapter 1. Energy and Entropy in Association Phenomena

Chapter 2. Site Fixation and Association Phenomena

Chapter 3. The Calculation of the Density of Fixed Ionic Sties in Cellular and Noncellular Biological Material


Chapter 4. The Model of the Biological Fixed-Charge System

Chapter 5. The Transmission, Amplification and Mixing of Biological Signals at the Molecular Level

Chapter 6. Modulation and Control of Physiological Activity


Chapter 7.The Theory of Proteins


Chapter 8.The Role of Metabolism in Biological Functions

Chapter 9. Ionic Accumulation and Osmotic Properties

Chapter 10. The Mechanism of Cellular Potentials

Chapter 11. Ionic Permeability and Diffusion

Chapter 12. Selective Distribution and Permeability of Nonelectrolytes

Chapter 13. Excitation and Inhibition

Chapter 14. Enzyme Action

Chapter 15. Reversible Contractile Phenomena

Chapter 16. The Action of Hormones and Drugs

Chapter 17. The Mechanism of Antigen-Antibody Reactions

Chapter 18. Developmental Physiology and Cancer

"In Search of the Physical Basis of Life".

by Gilbert N. Ling, Plenum Press, New York and London. 1984. ISBN 0-306-41409-0. 791 pages divided into 20 Chapters under five Sections:


Section I. Opposing Concepts in Cell Physiology: History and Background

Chapter 1. The Early History of Cell Physiology

Chapter 2. Evolution of the Membrane and Bulk Phase Theories

Chapter 3. The Emergence of the Steady-state Membrane Pump Concept

Chapter 4. The Re-emergence of the Bulk Phase Theories

Chapter 5. Experimental Tests of the Alternative Theories

Section II. The Association-Induction Hypothesis

Chapter 6. The Association-Induction Hypothesis I. Association-of Ions and Water with Macromolecules

Chapter 7. The Association-Induction Hypothesis II. The Inductive Effect and the Control of Physiological Activities

Chapter 8. The Physical State of K+ and Na+ in Living Cells

Chapter 9. The Physical State of Water in Living Cells

Chapter 10. ATP and the Source of Energy for Biological Work Performance

Section III. Applications of the Association-Induction Hypothesis to Traditional Problems in Cell Physiology

Chapter 11. Selective Distribution of Ions, Sugars, and Free Amino Acids

Chapter 12. Permeability

Chapter 13. Swelling, Shrinkage, and Volume Control of Living Cells

Chapter 14. Electrical Potentials.

Section IV. A Re-evaluation of Current Concepts in Physiology and Biochemistry

Chapter 15. Oxidative Phosphorylation, ATP Synthesis, and Other Aspects of Mitochondrial Physiology

Chapter 16. Muscle Contraction and Related Phenomena

Chapter 17. Active Transport across Intestinal Epithelia and Other Bifacial Cell Systems.

Section V. A Tentative Approach to Some Unsolved Problems in Biology and Medicine

Chapter 18. The Control of Protein Synthesis

Chapter 19. Growth and Differentiation

Chapter 20. Cancer

"A Revolution in the Physiology of the Living Cell"

by Gilbert N. Ling, Krieger Publishing Company, Malabar, Florida. 1992, ISBN 0-89464-398-3. 378 pages, divided into 12 Chapters..

A Short History and Acknowledgment


Chapter 1. Early Theories of the Living Cell

Chapter 2. The Membrane-pump Theory

Chapter 3, The Living State

Chapter 4. Cell Potassium

Chapter 5. Cell Water

Chapter 6. Induction

Chapter 7. Coherent Behavior and Control Mechanism

Chapter 8. Solute Distribution

Chapter 9. Permeability to Water, Ions, Nonelectrolyte , and Macromolecules

Chapter 10. Cell Volume and Shape

Chapter 11. Cellular Electrical Potentials

Chapter 12. The Completion of a Scientific Revolution and Events Beyond

In addition, a 203 page long review was published in 1994 in the journal, Physiological Chemistry Physics and Medical NMR, Volume 26. pp.121-203 under the title:

"The New Cell Physiology: An Outline, Presented Against its Full Historical Background, Beginning from the Beginning".

By Gilbert N. Ling .