120 ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE newspaper publishers, and highly recommended we direct this letter to you and your colleagues. What we are concerned with is preventing in the future utilization of the media by bigots to promote hatred against any segment of our community, whether the targets be Jews, Blacks, Catholics, or other minorities. In my capacity as director of ADL for this region, I frequently hear complaints regarding discrimination from many segments of the mosaic which makes up the people of Nebraska. With your cooperation, we will strive to insure that, in the future, those who ish to undermine our American democracy, with its principles of tolerance, respect for our fellow citizens and freedom of expression, will not be permitted to do so in the form of a newspaper ad containing falsehoods designed to promote animosity and divisiveness amongst the people of our state. Should a request for such ads be submitted to your newspaper in the future, we suggest that appropriate discretion be exercised, and our office contacted. I appreciate your taking the time to read this letter and I would welcome any suggestions you may have in our common cause of preserving those ideals which are fundamental to our national character. Sincerely yours Sheldon Filger Director This is my letter in response to Mr. Sheldon Filger of the ADL. June3,1985 Sheldon Filger, Director Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith Dear Mr Filger: I would like to take this time to respond to your letter that was sent to most of the small newspapers in Nebraska. You made one correct statement in this letter which is the importance of a free press and the First Amendment rights which are so essential for protecting the liberties we all enjoy as American citizens. I am exercising these rights which I have found to be now available only in the small rural newspapers of America. The large city newspapers are either controlled or heavily influenced by an organization of which you are a member. Your affiliated organization (Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith) is officially funded according to the Freedom of Information Act in excess of $5,000,000 a year and unofficially the Anti-Defamation League has unlimited funds in order to conceal the truth of your precious monopolies. Those monopolies are the Federal Reserve Corporation and National media coverage (who decides what makes the news). This excessive power controls the labor of the Christian American people or for that matter the Christian world. Your fellow members have majority ownership of the Federal Reserve Corporation which has never been allowed to be audited. This corporation is shrouded in secrecy and mystery. This excessive monetary power dictates the tax laws and monetary regulations imposed on a supposedly free society. . In addition, I take Offense to your label "anti-Semitic." Just recently, I had a Jewish patriot stay the evening in my house. If any people are anti-Semitic, it would be the Zionists who have removed the Arab Moslems and Christians from their homeland in Israel and the Middle East. The Arabs are as Semitic as any people on earth. If any group of people is responsible for distorted propaganda, . . it is your powerful Jewish-Zionist group. I will continue to utilize this rural free press in order to communicate the truth to the American people. I want to thank the small rural newspapers for their concern in the direction and future of America and its rights to individually express itself. Rudy G. Stanko Scottsbluff, Neb. B'nai B'rith, which means "sons of the covenant" in Hebrew, was founded in New York City in 1843. B'nai B'rith had more than five hundred thousand members in 1960, with four thousand units in forty-six countries. In the United States alone ii had more than three hundred and fifty thousand members at that time. Today its membership is even larger. This organization operates worldwide with international headquarters in Washington, DC. It is heavily staffed, with arms reaching throughou the United States and the world. Power behind the organization in the 30's was Nebraska attorney Henry Monsky of Omaha. He was made president of B'nai B'rith in 1938 and held the posi until his death in 1947, longeY than anyone has since. He was appointed by U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt to head the Office of Civil Defense. To outsiders, Monsky looked like an outstanding American. He was active in a wide range of welfare and educational organizations, that concealed his racial and prejudical philosophy. He had been a member of the board of trustees of Father Flanagan's Boys Home since 1925, was a member of the national board of the Community Chest in 1935, a member of the national council of Boy Scouts of America, and served on the voluntary committee of the Office of Civilian Defense during the war. He was an honorary member of the United Palestine Appeal and the United Jewish Appeal. Samuel I. Rosenman, adviser to the late Franklin D. Roosevelt both at the governor's mansion in Albany, N.Y., and later at the White House, writer of documents and speeches for both Roosevelt and Truman, was Monsky's New York state chairman of B'nai B'rith.5