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News Team

News Team has written 549 posts for The British National Party News

Resistance: The Only Road To Freedom

By News Team August 3, 2008 108 comments

The time for sitting on the fence and grumbling about the state of our nation is over - it’s an indulgence we can no longer afford if we are to survive!

Breaking News: BNP take 10.7% in Boston, Beating Labour and UKIP

From the setting of rural Lincolnshire this evening we receive the news that the BNP has taken 10.7% of the vote, in a first time effort, for the Coastal Ward of Boston District Council.
The result:
Con - 344
Ind “ 306
LibD - 213
BNP “ 119
UKIP “ 88
Lab “ 44
Well done to David Owens and his team [...]

More Live TV This Evening At 9:30pm

This time it will be from the London Organiser’s Meeting. We hope to stream this live via a laptop and webcam, so it should be of a better quality than our earlier broadcast.

Live TV Broadcast from the GLA at 5:30pm

We are hoping to broadcast a “live” programme from the GLA with Richard Barnbrook at 5:30pm today.

Red-White-and-Blue - “Coming of age a year early”

More day-time variety. English Warbow v. Continental Crossbow - display and ‘hands-on’ time. ‘A BNP Homeschooling Operation?’ - guided discussion for parents and teachers. Punch & Judy. Magic Show providing three one hour shows for children. Best ever range of top speakers.

Welcome To Labour’s Sicko Friendly Britain

Regular visitors to this site will be only too aware of our frequent reports on paedophile activity within the Labour Party “ with news items relating to their councillors and officials being arrested, charged and convicted in connection with paedophile offences “ most commonly downloading child porn “ being posted with monotonous regularity. The Labour [...]

Another Attack On Our Culture & Heritage

It is reported in today’s media that Britons will lose the ancient right to sell land in acres, under a new Brussels ruling nodded through by the EU-puppet regime in Westminster. We understand that, in what has been described as a “low-key” meeting, a junior Labour minister agreed last week to abolish our centuries-old imperial [...]

Sheffield: The Cat’s Out Of The Bag

Labour is panicking over the growth of the BNP in South Yorkshire in general and Sheffield in particular.
You can listen to Nick Griffin describing the Mugagbe style tactics adopted by Brown’s goons in the audi clip to be found here .
Aren’t we lucky we don’t live in a Marxist state - such as Zimbabwe!

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The economic outlook is profoundly worse than first thought claim.

You wouldn’t think that our Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling, would have much in common with forthright U.S. Congressman, Ron Paul, but they do; albeit tenuous. Both have, over the last few days, spoken of their concerns for the global economy. On the BBC news tonight it was reported that Alistair Darling has admitted [...]

Allowancesgate - Media Catching Up - Slowly!

Two years ago we began “Allowancesgate” and reported with much frequency upon matters pertaining to, what many would regard as, fraud perpetrated against the taxpayer by “Honourable Members” in The House. In the early days we felt very much like the proverbial lone wolf howling in the wilderness, as few in the media seemed at [...]

Are Greater Manchester Sex Assaults Connected?

If GMP were doing their job properly then they would have already issued descriptions of these men and their vehicle/s “ before another unfortunate woman falls victim!

Competition Time: Can You Spot What’s Missing?

We invite readers to read and compare two media reports concerning a cowardly attack on two police officers in cosmopolitan Croydon earlier this week. The first report, by the BBC, would appear to omit a rather interesting snippet of information. Can you guess what it is? The answer may be found at the foot of [...]

Breaking News . . . . BNP poll 8.2% in Hillingdon

The BNP has this evening polled 8.2% in the Townsfield Ward of Hillingdon Borough Council, in West London. The full result is:
Lab - 1,031
Lib-D - 506
Con - 445
BNP - 186 8.2%
NF - 74
Green - 33
Well done to Denis MacDonald and the recently established Hillingdon Branch in this very “cosmopolitan” ward a [...]

Breaking News . . . . . BNP take 18.5% in Redditch

The result from this evening’s contest for Redditch Borough Council’s Batchley Ward in the West Midlands is:
Con 630
Lab 539
BNP 299 18.5%
Lib-D 121
Ind 25
Congratulations to Maurice Field and his team in this hotly contested ward.

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Put the BNP News Widget on your website

The British National Party News on your Blog or Website.
You can now display live news direct from the British National Party on your website or blog. Just click on the “Options” button at the bottom of the widget and copy and paste the generated code into your website or blog.
Spread the word…

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Desperate Labour Adopts More Zimbabwean Practices

Quote: Breaking news from Sheffield is that tonight’s BNP meeting there is receiving saturation coverage in the local media. New Labour, not the police this time, have been ringing dozens of landlords threatening that they will lose their licenses if they host tonight’s event with Nick Griffin being the main speaker.
There is not a shadow [...]

Christian doctrine is offensive to Muslims: Nick Griffin video response

Christian doctrine is offensive to Muslims, the Archbishop of Canterbury said yesterday. But it risked fresh controversy for the Archbishop in the wake of his pronouncement earlier this year that a place should be found for Islamic sharia law in the British legal system.
Dr Williams is also facing immense pressures from inside his own [...]

Breaking News . . . . Aspects of Christian doctrine offensive to Muslims says Archbishop!

According to a Daily Telegraph report:
“Key elements of Christian doctrine are offensive to Muslims, the Archbishop of Canterbury has said in a letter to Islamic scholars.
Dr Rowan Williams also spoke critically of the violent past of both religions and Christianity’s abandonment of its peaceful origins.
His comments came in a published letter to Islamic leaders, intended [...]

Money wasted on electronic counting of votes in London Elections

On 15th July we published our detailed report on the lack of transparency and the possibility of outright cheating taking place as a result of the votes cast in the recent London Mayor and Assembly Elections being electronically counted.
Our report also showed that it took three times longer to count the votes electronically than if [...]

What’s Up?

Two stories in this morning’s media give rise to the question: “where will it all end?” Before reading these two tales of woe we should remind readers of the Government’s tendency to underestimate “ remember the “porky” about the 14,000 east Europeans who were going to arrive in Britain following EU enlargement?
Unemployment sharply up.
Net [...]

A Million Plus Spent On Interpreter Services in Derbyshire Alone!

Regular visitors to this and our Regional Voices site, will be aware of Derby BNP’s attempts to discover how much public money has been spent by the local authority on funding interpreter services to migrants and alleged “asylum seekers”. Amazingly the answer would appear to be around £200,000 over the last four reported fiscal years!
Our [...]

Eddy Butler Explains the Party’s Recent Parliamentary By-Election Strategy

Eddy Butler, the Party’s Elections Officer, is interviewed by one of our London correspondents on the BNP’s strategy in respect of recent Parliamentary by-elections. Although the video quality is not top notch, Eddy’s message is of great interest.

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BNP Submission In Response To A DOCLA Consultation Report

Submission in response to Consultation by the Department of Communities and Local Government
Moving the date of English Local Government elections to the date of the European Parliament elections in 2009.
We firmly believe that the Government should not move the date of the local elections from7th May to 4th June so they are held on the [...]

Report On The Voting System For London Elections

Report on the voting system for London Elections (further to a report presented by the Open Rights Group)
The Open Rights Group recently presented a report into the electronic counting process used by London Elects for the London Mayoral and Assembly Election held on 1st May 2008. We concur with the findings of that report and [...]

Allowances, Expenses & Pensions

Revised figures from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) indicate that nearly two-thirds of single pensioners have to get by on incomes of less than £10,000 a year.
In addition it is revealed that pensions are providing people with only modest incomes, with 61% of single pensioners receiving less than £10,000 a year from them during [...]

Tories Promote The Prophet In The Name Of Profit

Once again we see the “Money is God” Tories promoting nation-wrecking proposals for no other reason than to benefit their friends and benefactors in commerce and industry.

Darfur: In The Name Of The Prophet?

Despite the clear religious motivation of this aggression there are, as one would expect, those who would have us believe that the organised mass killing, raping, mutilation, enslaving, ethnic cleansing and looting has nothing to do with the so-called “Religion of Peace”!

Yet More Gloom From The Financial Pages

Yet again, this morning, the ‘papers are peppered with stories suggesting that we are teetering on the brink of a very deep depression indeed.
At the root of the growing financial storm are the “credit-chickens” which are relentlessly now starting to come home to roost! Clearly “golden nest eggs” are about as rare as “hens [...]

Dropping In For Friday Prayers?

The Red Devils “ the Parachute Regiment’s crack display team will be “dropping in” on Friday. To find out where pull your ripcord here .

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The State Of “Nationalism” In Scotland

Occasionally your news team comes across stories that really require neither elaboration nor comment “ the following happens to be one of these:-
Quote: MUSLIM leaders have accused Alex Salmond of blatant cronyism after he handed hundreds of thousands of pounds in public funds to an Islamic group run by an SNP activist.
The Scottish Government has [...]

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