FOR the poor souls who have been unlawfully imprisoned or those who have lost their homes as a result of the systemic corruption in our legal system. In particular let us remember the ice cream murders in Glasgow and the headless torso murders in Essex. Two innocent men in Scotland have just been sent back to prison after spending 12 years there. In England two men have served over 20 years primarily because they would not admit that they had been guilty. The frozen head of a murder victim turned up in a pub toilet in Islington when the two men were in prison. Compare their treatment with the two drug barons who were sentenced to 17 years in prison but released after a few weeks by Michael Howard. How many deaths did the drug barons cause? Why were they released?

Donald Dewar, Scottish Secretary, must know that the two men are innocent and Jack Straw, Home Secretary, must know that the two Englishmen are innocent. What are they waiting for? They can release the men tomorrow. The next time you criticise judges pay some attention to MPs. Every miscarriage of justice and every wrong imprisonment if the fault of MPs. Both the above ministers hope to become Prime Minister in their own countries, Scotland and England.



On 26 June 1998 at Horseferry Magistrates Court, Victoria, London

E-mail from Alexander Baron <<Inconceivable, he convicted me. I couldn’t believe this magistrate; he insisted on giving me bail against prosecution objections, listened to everything I had to say, then ruled there was a case to answer. Then he convicted me. There was not a shred of evidence that I’d made this phone call; the mere allegation itself being enough to convict on. He even found the letters, both of them, harassment. I got a £500 fine, one day in prison to be served in lieu. That’s already done, of course. He also awarded £100 costs against me; the prosecution asked for £600! I’m not worried about the sentence. I’ll appeal that with the conviction; what I’m worried about is that anytime one of these filth (policemen) want me behind bars for six weeks, six months or six years all they have to do is make an allegation of an anonymous phone call, and the allegation is considered proof in itself.>>

Comment:- Looks like another police frame-up. There follow the bail terms that we could not publish earlier "Not to publish anything to do with his case on the Internet before the conclusion of his case".


On 26 June 1998 before Warrington Magistrates

The case was adjourned for a pre-trial review on 17 July 1998. The Clerk of the Court, Peter Jones, refused to divulge the names of the three magistrates to Scriven's Mackenzie Friend (quasi solicitor). Scriven was prevented from saying much but did complain that a document referred to by the prosecution had not been provided by way of advance information. The document referred to was the result of fraud by a District Judge in Manchester. The transcript of Scriven’s interview when he was arrested contained inaccuracies and the prosecution had failed to provide a copy of the tape. Scriven has a complete answer to the charge that he caused criminal damage amounting to £5. These proceedings must have cost at least £1,000 already. They have a bearing on Scriven’s case against the Lord Chancellor the Master of the Rolls the Senior Law Lord and Treasury Solicitors. The Lord Chancellor who spent over £600,000 refurbishing his official residence is unlikely to be concerned abut the two or three thousand pounds this case will cost especially if it succeeds in frustrating the case against him. Can Mr Scriven opt for trial by jury? He claims that since he was arrested he can demand a jury trial. Can he demand a jury trial in the public interest?



So said the Sun newspaper on 24 June. We would say that the Sun’s owner, Rupert Murdoch, is the most dangerous man in Britain and we do not accept that he does not dictate to his propaganda organs. Moreover it is known that his right hand man chaired the Bilderberg Steering Committee in the UK and that Gordon Brown was a member of that committee. This is a phoney war to conceal Blair’s involvement with the Bilderberg mobsters. On 24 June Blair handed Murdoch the right to broadcast cricket test matches by satellite – a licence to print money. "Look, Rupert, it will look bad if I award you a million pound advertising contract. Your must start attacking me in your organs to distract attention. Bilderberg requires me to privatise everything." "Tony! Stop lecturing your master. In this country I am Bilderberg. You still have to pay for your success at the General Election. If you don’t dance to my tune you are out".

We warned you that the committee advising the Bank of England on monetary policy was Bilderbergan. One of the committee members, American DeAnne Julius, was with the CIA when it effectively brought down the democratically elected president of Chile, President Allende. She worked for Shell when it co-operated closely with the military junta in Nigeria and when it was accused of condoning the murder of the Ogone people who resisted Shell’s ravishing their tribal area. She worked for British Airways when it was carrying on its dirty tricks campaign against Virgin Airways. We are bound to ask who was responsible for appointing this lady to the committee.

There is still no sign of any MP, Liberal, Tory, Labour or Independent, asking questions about the Bilderberg meeting in May at the Turnberry Hotel.

On 24 June Bilderberg was again at work. When the lifting of sanctions against Iraq was due to be discussed at the United Nations the Americans found traces of chemical weapons. The same day the OPEC oil-producing group decided to cut back on production in order to raise oil prices. Bilderberg would never have permitted Iraq to increase its exports. Iraq denied the chemical weapons report and we believe Iraq. Apart from the denial we fail to see how a highly volatile liquid would leave a trace on a warhead that had been destroyed. What happened to the contents of the warhead? The USA military industrial complex and the oil companies have absolutely no credibility. The same goes for all politicians and secret services.




This week the BBC transmitted a programme entitled ‘Fraudbusters: Nightmare On Elm Street’. In it the Serious Fraud Office Mafiosi were given an opportunity to defend their record on Asil Nadir and the Maxwell twins. Did you know that someone, not of the SFO or the police, plucked a message out of the ether. The message gave the time and date of the police raid on the Maxwells. The eavesdropper notified the news media. We are not told how the Press learned about the raid on Asil Nadir. We were treated to a load of waffle by shifty-eyed members of the SFO. They did not explain how that great friend of Israel, Robert Marshall, escaped investigation until after his death or how he was always successful with his libel actions or threats of libel action when there was a threat of exposure of his wrongdoing. He had a track record commencing with the Pergamon Press. He was also a Labour MP! Nor did the SFO explain why it acted with the police and known criminals to entrap Nadir. If it had a case there was no need for entrapment. Nor did it explain the Lord Chancellor’s visit to northern Cyprus and his attempt to abduct Nadir to an RAF base in southern Cyprus.

‘Watchdog’ is another programme that gives cause for concern. It can adversely affect companies that make one mistake while ignoring companies that are seriously dishonest. When complaints are made to the BBC the complainants are threatened with legal action. Some time ago the two female presenters were crowing about how Dame Shirley Porter’s Tesco was offering margarine at a ‘new low price’ while next door, at a small shop, the margarine was being offered at the same standard price. It looks as if the two birds got their knuckles rapped for that. They completely ignored much more serious complaints about Tesco’s sister company, B & Q, which was selling low energy lamps that are supposed to last 6,000 hours and leave several tons of coal underground. B & Q lamps did not last one hour. Eventually B & Q admitted that the lamps were made in Taiwan and that they did not know who the manufacturer was. Watchdog ignored the information until accused of dishonesty. It then threatened legal action.

The BBC keeps reminding us of the holocaust and gives full rein to homosexuals pleading their cause. We condemn the Nazi killers but it is sick and counterproductive for Jews to keep trampling on the graves of the martyrs. Homosexuality is alright for genuine homosexuals but it is no more normal than a cleft palate. We believe that the vast majority of normal people disapproved of the decision to allow sixteen-year-olds of either sex to indulge freely in what is in fact a perverted form of sex. It would be interesting to know how many homosexuals and Jews were in the Honour’s List.



We have referred to the Jewish bias of Melanie Phillips in the Observer. Last Sunday she was at it again. She tells us that we are greedy and care not for others and that our Press and television caters for the lowest common denominator. The stereotypical Jew is money driven and cares not for others. The Press and television are largely dominated by Jews. Melanie appears to be unaware of this. After rubbishing our culture she finishes by giving a free advert for the only piece of culture in living memory - ‘Spoonface Steinberg’ a BBC programme about "an autistic Jewish seven-year-old girl dying of cancer". Bring us our Wailing Wall. We Jews have a hard time. Don’t dare criticise us while we get on with the job of exploiting you.

We again make a plea to Jews generally. Try to forget your years of persecution and insecurity. Join our society as equals. Treat us as equals. You have a stubborn streak that is suicidal.



Who on earth was responsible for appointing this gargoyle as chairman of the Committee for Standards in Public Life? Some time ago, off his own bat, he made the public statement that councillors should not be liable to a surcharge when they were guilty of wilful malpractice or corruption (Porter) that resulted in financial loss to the ratepayer. A few days ago he decided to be Counsel for Porter in her appeal against the decision to surcharge her and bar her from local government. On 24 June he thought better of representing her. Whatever the merits of the Porter appeal Lord Neill is clearly not a fit person to be entrusted with the chairmanship of the committee.

And what of William Roots, Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer of Westminster City Council? His finance committee, on his advice, has just set aside £500,000 as a contingency fund to cover the legal costs of two councillors and two officers involved in the Porter scandals. Roots was one of Porter’s team throughout the Porter era. He still condones wilful malpractice initiated by Porter. It would be inappropriate for us to comment on Porter’s appeal. If it fails, the councillors and officers should pay their own costs. They knew what was Porter was doing but did not blow the whistle. If Porter’s appeal succeeds Touche Ross should pay all the legal costs. We were surprised when District Auditor Magill found against Porter. His enquiry took about ten times as long as it should have done and would cost a fortune. He has consistently ignored complaints about Westminster City Council. He did not obtain a Mareva injunction to prevent Porter moving her assets abroad. In addition we have experienced the workings of Magill’s company (Touche Ross) in Buckinghamshire County Council and Chiltern District Council. When we pointed out that Bucks. and Westminster were working together to conceal corruption Bucks. C C solicitor, Janet Relfe, denied that Magill was auditor for Bucks. C C. That was a lie. When we raised questions about compensation paid out by Chiltern District Council the District Auditor was replaced by V E Davies of Touche Ross. Another Touche Ross partner, Greg Comninos, was appointed as liaison officer for all three councils. These matters have been reported to the Home Affairs Committee and to the City of London Police but have apparently fallen on deaf ears. We now have a Labour MP, Andrew Dismore, shouting "foul" against Neill and Porter. Be assured that we know that Dismore, as Labour leader of Westminster City council, collaborated with the Westminster Tories. That’s Bilderberg for you.



We now know that the jury found Woodward not guilty of murder but did not want her to get off scot-free. The prosecution laid down the gauntlet. Woodward picked it up and won. The jury was wrong in law. Woodward’s appeal should have succeeded. The Supreme Court was wrong in law . It arrived at a political judgement calculated to cause the least damage to the UK/USA entente. Woodward is a victim of power politics and the cynical disregard for justice and human rights exhibited by Blair and Clinton.






Published by J M Todd, Misbourne Farmhouse, Amersham Road, Chalfont St Giles, Bucks. HP8 4RU

Per pro Vomit. No copyright. Tel/Fax 01494 871204. E-mail < avengers@vomit.demon.uk >