VOMIT UK 23/00

Victims Of Masonic Ill-Treatment 3 June 2000

Anyone criticised or maligned in these publications has a guaranteed right of reply. JMF or P2 Lodge UK stands for the hierarchies of the Judaeo/Masonic Faction. The ordinary Mason and Jew are as likely to suffer from the machinations of the JMF as non-Masons and non-Jews are. Almost every institution in the UK is corrupt. While the final blame lies with the Member of Parliament and the Prime Minister, Freemasonry is invariably involved along with the courts, the police and local government.


Many victims cannot attend court hearings on account of circumstances arising from judicial corruption. It behoves as many victims as possible to turn up on Monday 10 July. at 10 a.m. in the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand, London. Can anyone explain why this particular date was chosen? If we are able to we will publish this notice every week. The case is about a gagging writ, Lord Williams of Mostyn (The Labour Attorney General) versus Geoffrey Scriven (Fax 0161 428 1159 and phone 0161 428 0764)


Norman Scarth informed us that he had a watertight case and would be successful because a jury would determine his libel case. We told him that he would never win a case in a UK court and that either the jury would be nobbled or the judge would give a prejudicial summing up. The judgement follows hereon.


NO. OF MATTER 1997 S 08109


BEFORE Mr. Recorder Allen, QC Sitting as a Deputy Judge of the High Court on 22nd and 23rd days of May 2000

AND BEFORE Mr Recorder Allen, QC Sitting as a Deputy Judge of the High Court and a Jury on 23rd, 24th and 25th days of May 2000.

UPON HEARING the Claimant and the Defendant in person


THE JURY FOUND for the Defendant.

THE JUDGE DIRECTED that the Claimant's claim be and is hereby dismissed.

AND THE JUDGE FURTHER DIRECTED that the Claimant do pay the Defendant's costs of this action such costs to be assessed. ***

There were no victims present to support Mr Scarth. That wasn't surprising. We heard about the case for the first time on 16 May.

Note the following facts. A litigant in person (LIP) is entitled to assistance from the court to ensure that his lack of court experience and law do not militate against justice. A Mackenzie Friend is allowed to stand or sit beside a LIP and give him advice. Geoffrey Scriven was Mr Scarth's Mackenzie Friend. Geoffrey Scriven is President and Norman Scarth is Secretary of the LIP Society. Norman Scarth defeated the UK in the European Court. This means that he will be victimised until the end of his life. He is 74/75 years old and served on the notorious Murmansk run during the Second World War. Last August he, like us, was the victim of a police (Leeds) raid by seven police officers in riot gear. That was at a time when the Lord Chancellor was censoring the Internet and police were being used to prevent judicial corruption being exposed. We were raided three times a fortnight later. On one occasion a police (Thames Valley) marksman turned up to act on a false police allegation that we had threatened to kill a policeman. A few weeks later Peter Prankerd (Devon & Cornwall) was raided and arrested without reason and Peter Hayward's (Kent) home was entered under duress following deception by police officers. At about the same time Maurice Kellett (Northumberland) was being raided and harassed and ordered to visit Durham Police station where he became ill and was hospitalised. These are five victims whom we know about. All of us have been prevented from making the police answer for their criminal behaviour.

Now you know why Norman Scarth could not be allowed to win.


*** 1. "Judge" did not have jurisdiction, spending first one and a half days editing Claimant's bundles to conceal evidence from jury.

    1. Claimant was not allowed to complete his evidence to jury.
    2. The Defendant WAS NOT heard. The "Judge's" order is PERJURY.
    3. "Judge" is in breach of judicial oath and Article 6 of the European Commission on Human Rights.
    5. The judicial Mafia who control the corrupt judiciary are; The Lord Chancellor, the Lord Chief Justice, the Master of the Rolls and the Vice Chancellor - all must be taken to the Central Criminal Court to face jury and a CLEAN JUDGE. [Signed Geoffrey H Scriven 28.05.00] ***

Further comment:- Norman Scarth was denied trial by jury and Allen will not be punished for anything he has done. If Mr Scarth appeals or applies for Judicial Review a judge or judges will make the judgement. Norman Scarth will not be allowed to win irrespective of the merits of his case. Mr Scarth must let others know what he is doing well in advance in order that LIPS and other human rights activists can organise. We must attend the courts in numbers in order to bring home to the charlatans the depth of our hatred.


It is 40 years since we first provided Tony Benn with information about Post Office Telephones (now BT) corruption when he was Postmaster General. Generally we have admired and respected Mr Benn for his views and forthrightness. Scarcely a week passes when his views are not aired on TV, on Radio and in the Press. Last week he asked us not to send him any more copies of VOMIT. In his case that was a fair request if only because his mailbag must always be full. However we would have expected him to do something about Bernard Gough and about Thames Valley Police and Westminster City Council corruption. We are therefore sending him this last copy of VOMIT with a request that he deals with these matters. He did not lose his wife and his son to corruption and he has never been short of money. At one time it was believed that the medical profession was slowly killing him. It may be that he would have preferred a police marksman to silence him. We are always amused when MPs, judges and councillors assume the airs and graces of Julius Caesar. Caesar lost a battle - only one. When writing his autobiography he stated "I catered for every eventuality except that one". Politicians and judges are infallible. Bollocks!

Perhaps Privy Councillor Tony will now forget about the victims in Iraq and Serbia and concentrate on the victims of Masonic ill-treatment. There is something rotten in the state of New Labour, which pays scant heed to human rights. It either exports the weapons of war to or wages war against countries purely for commercial reasons. Loyalty to Blair is a price that this country can ill afford. Jump ship Tony and get tore into Blair and his mob including the phoney left winger Prescott who has all the trappings of la dolce vita. You could save the Labour Party from oblivion by giving a lead now. In view of your failure to act robustly against the Blairites we have to say that we regret that Norman Scarth did not beat you at the General Election. He has guts!


[[[[ From Ken Boxhall, Head of IS/IT Services, Bucks County Council 24 May 2000


TO ALL COUNTY COUNCIL MEMBERS (Main body of letter not amended Legal Department fax numbers 01296 382988 & 01296 382421 email legal@buckscc.gov.uk )

Dear Member


It has been brought to my attention today that several Members have been receiving abusive fax messages over the past couple of weeks.

Many of these faxes/letters have come recently from Mr J M Todd of Misbourne Farmhouse, Chalfont St Giles, and are headed VOMIT UK (Victims of Masonic ill-Treatment). The Head of Legal Services wrote to all Members on 11th April with advice to ignore/bin the correspondence and this advice still stands.

However, if calls to your fax/phone are a nuisance or using up all your fax paper then you should consider the fol1owing general advice:

Keep the fax that was sent. It may have a fax heading on it and if hand written could be used to identify sender.

If present, just after the fax has been sent, dial '1471' to check the number which the fax has been sent from. If the sender does not wish to be identified they may have used the code '141' before dialling, which enables them to dial without revealing their own number.

NOTE* This could be different from the number displayed on the fax itself. Make a note of the time and date sent.

Report the incident to the BT Nuisance Call Bureau on 0800 411 430 (tracer investigators) who can monitor the line and discover the originating number when further ca1ls are made.

Yours sincerely, Ken Boxhall, Head of IS/IT Services and criminal libeller.

cc Janet Relfe; Head of Legal Services, hiding behind me.

Nigel Chambers, another pot? ]]]]

Comment? We have never tried to conceal the identity of the publisher or sender of the VOMIT newssheet and have no objection to others forwarding copies of the publication. People in the public service must expect communications from members of the public. We never abuse individuals unless by way of retaliation. Anyone, be they public servant or not, can be removed from our circulation list provided they put valid reasons in writing. Regarding the above letter from Boxall we believe that it constitutes an attempt to conceal serious corruption and to give the police an excuse for a prosecution under the Prevention of Harassment Act 1997. Four A4 sheets of paper cost us less than one penny and we have not had a recent 100% increase in our Old Age Pension. The Boxall letter should have come from Relfe, the head of the legal department, but that would have meant that she was aware of the serious allegations against the council and rendered her liable to imprisonment for misconduct in public office.

VOMIT publications are circulated with a view to making enquiries particularly about police forces, which, by failing in their duty, allow corruption to flourish in every stratum of public service. The above Boxall letter is an example of information received by VOMIT. Also on 1 June we learned that there is a Westminster City Masonic Lodge whose Most Worshipful Master is a crude foul-mouthed playboy who is a BBC favourite son. Our informant said that would explain why Westminster council's mobsters are not prosecuted for misconduct in public office.

The Prevention of Harassment Act does not apply to VOMIT faxes but the Masonic coppers of Thames Valley Police may try again to protect the council's Masons and the local drug dealers. We repeat that the late Charlie Kray was one of about ten visitors who collected 10 KG of cocaine from the adjacent drug site on one date. Neither Thames Valley Police nor the Metropolitan Police were prepared to take action against the drug dealers.

What sort of councillor has to be told how to protect his/her self from "abusive" letters or faxes and how to use the call identification 1471 number?


A fortnight ago we held Two Bellies Prescott responsible for the performance of the commissioners. That does not appear to be the whole truth even if the theft of land is usually associated with unlawful development providing a personal interest for Two Bellies. There is something seriously amiss and Prescott has a duty to intervene but, as usual, does not even have the courtesy to acknowledge receipt of letters. Now it appears that another minister of doubtful stability (Straw) is responsible for the appointment of commissioners. Here again the usual rules will apply when there is corruption. Straw will evade the issues by stating that he does not interfere with the day to day running of the commission and it would be highly improper if he were to sack commissioners because someone did not approve of their decisions. He will advise the Masefields (Fax 01308 485729 Phone 485412) to take legal action causing them more distress and loss and no gain. Another Labour stalwart, the Attorney General also has powers to intervene particularly when the Charity Commissioners are behaving against the public interest. Even when the Attorney General was Tory it was a waste of time writing to him. Labour ministers too will continue to believe that they can walk on water until their lungs are full of the stuff and we see the end of this twisted form of spin socialism. As the next general election approaches we can expect Labour MPs to acknowledge receipt of correspondence.

We believe that taking legal action or writing to the present crop of MPs it is a complete waste of time and money. These actions are sometimes necessary in order to establish the case against the crooks but the only real weapon is publicity. Violence is not an option. Publicity tends to make crooks mend their ways. Direct action is also useful but most victims do not have the wherewithal to mount a picket 100 miles from home. We have lost count of the number of victims of Dorset Masons who might take direct action against the police. How about it Mick Croley, Barry Hunt (Ph/Fax 01305 777348) , Gerry Coulter (Ph/Fax 01923 262726), the Masefields, Lomond Handley (Ph/Fax 01202 738982) and David Husband?

Chief Constable Stichbury appears to spend all her time on vacation. Nero fiddles while Rome burns. In our neck of the woods Chief Constable Pollard is still riding high because the Thames Valley Police Authority is as bad as he is. We are investigating Lord Bradshaw who is connected with Oxford University and public transport. His CV suggests that Freemasonry has given him a lift. Here are a few more names and addresses of members of the police authority: 7. Mr P J Magee, Long Cottage, 15 Fox Lane, WESTOTE BARTON, Oxon OX7 7BS. 8. Mr G G Maybury, White Gables, Stubbles Lane, COOKHAM DEAN, Berkshire SL6 9PX. 9. Mr P North, 7 Parsons Fields, SANDHURST, SURREY GU47 9AL. 10. Mr A Page, 115 Castle Hill, READING, Berks. RG1 7SY. 11. Mr B Patman, Meadow View, Basingstoke Road, SPENCER’S WOOD, Reading, Berks. RG 7 1AL. 12. Dr P A Rickaby, Emberton House, 210L North Row, MILTON KEYNES, Bucks MK9 3LQ. 13. Mrs L E Simmons, 206 Goodman Park, SLOUGH SL2 5NL. See VOMIT 20 for full list.


Mr P Prankherd, Upper Cottage. Nanshuttal, ST MAWES, Cornwall TR2 5AB has submitted the following article as a description of the Judaeo/Masonic Faction (JMF). We agree with Mr Prankerd whose problems started with corruption in Carrick District Council. We marvel at his forbearance. Council officials and their police associates should be hung, drawn and quartered.

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known, and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims. He wears their face. He wears their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation. He works secretly, and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city. He infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is to be less feared." Cicero 106 to 43BC


Tell us more about Lord Bradshaw, Westminster's Chief Executive P Rogers, David Wardle of the Environment Agency, German owned Hellmanns International Forwarders, Chesham Lodge, Capricorn, Simon Elvin, Icy Cools, John Hearn, Alan Goodrum, Michael Hartley, Carol Castle and Charles Pollard. Mother Lodges where applicable, please! Thank you.

Published by J M Todd, B.Sc. Misbourne Farmhouse, Amersham Road, Chalfont St Giles, Bucks. HP8 4RU

Per pro Vomit. No copyright. Tel 01494 871204. Fax 01494 870031 email vomituk@my-deja.com

Web page believed to be www.vomit.cc